Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/510

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49 6 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. Canvas, 20 inches by 24 inches. Sale. Gerard Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 237 (1500 florins, A. van den Bogaerde). 132*7. A Boy washing his Feet. In the shade of a fine tree at the foot of lofty hills a boy washes his feet in a stream. Near him are two cows, two sheep, and a goat. Canvas, 8 inches by 14 inches. Sale. F. J. O. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. C. 98. 133. A Pastoral Scene. A fine wooded landscape with ruins in the distance. In front a woman stands conversing with a man who sits with his feet in a stream. Near them is a reddish-brown cow. Under a tree to the left are sheep and an ox. Dated 1667 ; canvas, 13 inches by u inches. Sale. A. Meynts, Amsterdam, July 15, 1823, No. 130 (670 florins, Van den Berg). 134. Landscape with a Woman at a Stream. Sm. 16. In the right foreground is a large building like a convent. Many cattle and figures. A woman sits on the bank of a pool bathing her feet. A peasant sits a little beyond her, near two sheep. Behind the woman are two cows. In the distance are more cattle and a horse. Dated 1662 ; canvas, 17 inches by 20 inches. Sm. identifies this with 132, but the dimensions differ. Sale. Noel Desenfans, London, 1801. In the possession of the London dealer Thomas Emmerson, 1834 (Sm.). 135. Cattle with a Woman washing her Feet. A cow is near a great tree at the edge of a stream. Another cow stands in the water. Near them are two young women. One stands holding a lamb in her left arm. The other sits by a stream washing her feet. Hilly distance. Canvas on panel, 15 inches by 12 inches. Sale. J. B. van Lancker, Antwerp, 1835, No. 115 (510 florins, Weber). 135*7. A Boy washing his Feet. In a hilly landscape a herd boy sits beside an oak, washing his feet in a stream. Near him a reddish- brown spotted cow is reflected in the water. On the other side is a sheep. A dull spotted cow leans against the tree. Farther away are a he-goat and a sheep lying down. Canvas, 14 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 18, 1849, No. 208. 136. A Herdsman washing his Feet, and Cattle at Pasture. Sm. 41, and Suppl. 29. A stream flows along the front. A herdsman sits on a tree-trunk, washing his feet, in full sunlight. A sheep, also in sunlight, is grazing on the bank. Behind it stands a red cow, and another cow lies on the left. A black cow goes towards dark bushes in the middle distance. To the right, near an oak and a beech, are sheep, one of which is browsing. Behind them are thick bushes. To the left, on a green