Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/535

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 521 At the foot of a tree, in the right centre, lies a cow in profile to the right with her head turned to the front. Near her lie two sheep. Behind the cow stands an ox, also in profile to the right, who is eating the leaves of the tree. In the extreme left foreground lies a sheep ; farther away are another sheep and a lamb. The herdsman lies on the ground to the left. Beyond are trees. On the right is a view of hilly country. Signed in full, and dated 1662 ; panel, 12 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Madame E. Warneck, Paris, May 10, 1905, No. 64 (3100 francs). In the possession of the Paris dealer J. Depret. 226. VIEW OF PASTURES. A very fine early work. In the collection of Jules Porges, Paris. 226*. A HERDSMAN WITH CATTLE. A herdsman with cattle is in the foreground of a landscape with hills in the left distance and trees on the right ; the highest trees are nearest the centre. There are two brown cows and a white cow, with sheep and goats. The herds- man stands on the left, facing the spectator. The cows stand in shallow water. Canvas, 22 inches by 27^ inches. In the collection of Jules Porges, Paris. 227. THE SLEEPING SHEPHERDESS. Sm. 6. A wooded landscape with a broken foreground. In the centre a red spotted cow, seen in profile, is grazing. On the right lies a reddish-brown calf; behind it lies a sheep at the foot of a tree, against which a dark brown cow rubs her neck. Near these, at the side, is a sleeping shepherdess. In the left foreground are two sheep and a cow. Among the trees in the distance is a cottage. "These pictures are of the choicest quality, but rather too sombre." [Pendant to 125. Possibly identical with 63.] Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1669 ; canvas, i inches by 15^ inches. Exhibited at Brussels, 1882, No. 256. Sale. A. Bierens, Amsterdam, July 20, 1747 (Hoet, ii. 199), No. 8 or 9 (500 florins, with pendant). In the collection of J. Bierens, Amsterdam, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 523). In the collection of Madame de Haan-Bierens, Amsterdam, 1834 (Sm.) ; sold under the name of her father D. Bierens, Amsterdam, November 15, 1881 ; this was No. 21. In the collection of E. de Stuers, Maastricht. In the collection of A. de Stuers, Paris. 228. LANDSCAPE WITH A HERDSMAN AND SEVEN COWS. Sm. Suppl. 24. The herdsman carries a long stick ; his dog follows him. To the left are two almost leafless willows. In the distance is a wooded plain. On a road is a waggon with four horses, accompanied by two horsemen. The sun shines from behind a great rain-cloud on the cows in the centre. This is a picture of animals ; the figures are un- important. It is well drawn, but not so well as one would wish a picture by A. van de Velde to be. The cloud-forms are especially large in treat- ment. There is a similar picture of the same size at Munich (54).