Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/536

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5 22 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1671 ; canvas, 40^ inches by 51^ inches. Sales. Hendrik Verschuuring, The Hague, September 17, 1770 (Hoet, ii. 473), No. 182 (1400 florins). Godefroi, Paris, 1757 (500 francs). Acquired by the Empress Catherine II. of Russia. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1262 ; it was there in 1842 (Sm.). 229. CATTLE AT PASTURE. In the centre of a hilly land- scape two cows and some sheep are grazing. Beyond to the right sits a herdsman, leaning his arm on a rock. In the centre lies a brown cow. In the left distance is a shepherd with sheep grazing. A fine picture in the style which Dirck van Bergen liked to imitate. Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 14 inches by 16 inches. In the Koucheleff-Besborodko collection, St. Petersburg, 1886 catalogue, No. 12. 230. Landscape with Cattle. It hangs too high to be properly judged. In the StroganofF collection, St. Petersburg. 231. CATTLE AT PASTURE. In the foreground of a flat landscape a dull brown ox stands in profile to the left. Behind it to the right lie a cow and a sheep. In the left distance is a farm amid trees. To the right is a spacious pasture with cattle. Of very good quality. [Pendant to 25.] Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1658 ; panel, 10 inches by 12 inches. Sale. F. J. O. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. D. 76. In the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam, 1905 catalogue, No. 296. 232. CATTLE RESTING BY A STREAM. A red spotted and a grey cow, two sheep and two lambs, and a goat are resting behind a woman. Near her is also a dark cow. The woman sits on the ground, conversing with a man who stands by an oak. Signed in full below the red cow, and dated 1670 ; canvas, 27^ inches by 2i inches. In the Schwerin Museum, 1882 catalogue, No. 1053. 233. LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE. In the foreground are cows, goats, and sheep. In the left distance persons sit near a shelter under a tree. In the right distance a man is ploughing. Hilly back- ground. [Pendant to 38.] Signed in full, and dated 1660 ; panel, n inches by 9 inches. Exhibited in the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1877, No. 211. In the collection of the late Baron Ferdinand von Rothschild, Waddesdon Manor. 234. TWO COWS. In the right foreground of a pasture a white