Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/542

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52 8 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. 24.11. A Pasture with Cows. 12 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Van Nispen, The Hague, September 12, 1768 (Terw. 671), No. 10 (101 florins). 242. Landscape with a Cow in a Stream in the centre. In a wooded landscape with distant hills, a man and a woman are under a tree on the right. Near them are sheep, standing or resting. On the left a cow stands in a stream, drinking. Canvas on panel, 12^ inches by 16 inches. Sale. J. H. van Heemskerck, The Hague, March 29, 1770, No. 125 (410 florins, De Haas). 242*. Landscape with a Bull lowing and Three Sheep re- posing. Canvas on panel, u| inches by 15^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 13, 1770, No. 71 (n florins). 242^. Landscape with Cattle. In front stands a cow. An ox is near a stream, beyond which lies another cow. Farther away is a shep- herdess, with two sheep lying down. Canvas, 8 inches by n inches. Sale. F. J. de Dufresne, Amsterdam, August 22, 1770, No. 258. 242*:. A Pasture with a Red Spotted Ox. The ox stands in front, near a sheep. A willow. A distant village. Panel, 5^ inches by inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 338 (31 florins, Yver). 243. Landscape with a Fountain and a Loving Couple. A landscape with light trees. In the sunlit stream in front is a red spotted ox, with an ashen grey ox behind it. Farther away are sheep lying down and a he-goat. Beside a fountain a herdsman embraces a shepherdess. In shadow to the left lies a cow. In the distance are hills. Apparently similar to 224. Canvas on panel, 24 inches by 21 J inches. Sale. Ph. van der Land, Amsterdam, May 22, 1776, No. 90 (500 florins, De Vos). 244. Landscape with an Ox in front. Cows in a pasture. In the distance are sheep with a shepherd. In the style of Paul Potter. 10 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Blondel de Gagny, Paris, December 10, 1776, No. 162 (535 francs). 245. A Green Pasture with Cattle. Sm. 37. A horse, a cow, four sheep, and a herdsman near a fence at the side. Panel, io inches by n inches. Sale. Prince de Conti, Paris, April 8, 1777 (5241 francs). 2450. Herdsmen with Cattle. Landscape with cows standing and