Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/543

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 529 lying down, and several sheep. Farther back a herds'man lies on a rock, conversing with another herdsman who stands near. Canvas, 26 inches by 22 inches. Sale. P. van den Bogaerde, Amsterdam, March 1 6, 1778, No. 79. 245^. Cattle in a Landscape with a Herdsman. The herdsman stands behind a reddish cow, with his left arm resting on her back. On a road in front goes a black and white spotted goat. This group is in sun- light. In the right foreground lie three sheep. In the distance is a fine hilly landscape. Panel, 8 inches by 9! inches. Sale. Servad, Amsterdam, June 25, 1778, No. 109 (25 florins). 246. A Pastoral Scene. In the left foreground, under a willow, is a woman holding a child on her lap with both hands. In front sits a man playing with the child. Near them are two reddish cows, on standing and the other lying down. On the other side lies a ram ; other sheep stand or rest. Hills in the distance. Canvas, 10 inches by 16 inches. Sale. J. Crammer, Amsterdam, November 25, 1778, No. 30 (370 florins, Van den Bogaerde). 247. Cattle near an Italian Gateway. An Italian landscape with the ruins of an old gateway near trees. In front are animals standing or resting, namely, oxen, sheep, cows, and kids, with two herdsmen. Canvas, 14 inches by 17 inches. Sale. J. Witsen, Amsterdam, August 16, 1780, No. 68 (51 florins, Valet). 247*7. Group of Three Cows and a Goat under a Tree. Sales. Due de Choiseul, Paris, April 6, 1772. Lord Halifax, London, April 19, 1782, and April 3, 1789 (^85, Montolien ?). 247^. Landscape with Animals and Figures. Near a great tree are four sheep, two cows, and a herdsman. [Pendant to 247^.] Canvas, n inches by 15 inches. Sales. Julienne, Paris, March 30, 1767, No. 188 (3000 francs, with pendant). Blondel de Gagny, Paris, December 10, 1776, No. 160 (4000 francs, with pendant) see Ch. Blanc, i. 339. Blondel d'Azincourt, Paris, February 10, 1783 (4101 francs, with pendant) see Ch. Blanc, ii. 69. 247*:. Landscape with Animals and Figures. A herdsman and a woman sit in half-shadow. [Pendant to 247^.] Canvas, u inches by 15 inches. Sales. Julienne, Paris, March 30, 1767, No. 188 (3000 francs, with pendant). Blondel de Gagny, Paris, December 10, 1776, No. 160 (4000 francs, with pendant) see Ch. Blanc, i. 339. Blondel d'Azincourt, Paris, February 10, 1783 (4101 francs, with pendant) see Ch. Blanc, ii. 69. VOL. IV 2 M