Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/544

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53 o ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. 248. Landscape with Cattle. In the shadowed foreground a tree- trunk is near a stream, with a white goat. A red spotted cow lies near some sheep ; a brown cow stands, lowing. On a hill is a cottage, with other accessories. Trees and hills in the distance. [Pendant to 41.] Panel, loj inches by 8| inches. Sale. J. van Bergen van der Grijp and others, Soeterwoude, June 25, 1784, No. 139 (900 florins, with pendant, Fouquet). 248/7. Landscape with Two Cows and Sheep. One cow stands, the other is lying down. [Pendant to 248^.] Panel, 4^ inches by 5| inches. Sale. S. Fokke, Amsterdam, December 6, 1784, No. 21. 248^. Landscape with Two Cows by a Fence. One cow stands, the other is lying down. [Pendant to 2480.] Panel, 4! inches by 5^ inches. Sale. S. Fokke, Amsterdam, December 6, 1784, No. 21. 249. Landscape with Cattle and a Rustic Couple. In a bright sunny landscape a red spotted cow is grazing. Behind it lies another cow, with a sheep. On the left is a sheep suckling a lamb. Beyond a gently flowing stream, the rugged banks of which are over- grown with plants, stand two other sheep. Some goats feed on a grassy hill. To the right a herdsman converses with a shepherdess j near them is a dog. A cottage amid the trees. Beyond is a flat landscape, with low hills overgrown with bushes. Panel, 13 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 10, 1785, No. 327 (180 florins, Fouquet). 250. Landscape with Cattle. A red spotted cow stands on a bank near a willow. Beside her is another cow, with sheep. Hilly distance. [Pendant to 251.] Canvas, loj inches by 9 inches. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 451 (116 florins, with pendant, Van der Mey). 251. Landscape with a Bull. A red spotted bull grazes by a stream. Near it are sheep, with two men. Hilly distance. [Pendant to 250.] Canvas, io inches by 9 inches. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 452 (116 florins, with pendant, Van der Mey). 252. Landscape with Cattle in a Meadow. Sm. 52. In a meadow in front are cattle. Among them a white cow is lying down and a reddish cow is grazing. On the left a woman with a sheaf of corn under her arm converses with a seated herdsman, who tends goats and sheep. 12 inches by 14 inches. Sales. Lollier, Paris, April 6, 1789 (5901 francs). Marin, Paris, March 22, 1790 (4652 francs).