Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/60

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46 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 125*:. Landscape with Cottages, Trees, and a Cornfield. [Possibly identical with 127.] Canvas, 9 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Cassino, Amsterdam, July 26, 1810, No. 75 (9 florins, Spaan). 126. [Identical with 319.] 127. A Well-timbered Landscape with a Cornfield. At a post in front is a shepherd with his dog. At the side are a cornfield and cottages. Finely lighted, brown, and delicate in treatment. [Possibly identical with 125^.] Canvas, 10 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 6, 1810, No. 134. 128. A Hilly Landscape with Several Cornfields. In front two roads cross. A traveller with his dog approaches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, ii. 285. Sales. Van Leyden or Langeac, 1810. J. L. Laneuville, Paris, November 6, 1811 (1496 francs, Perignon). 129. A Well-tilled Country, with Cornfields. Sm. 47. In front are sandhills overgrown with grass and bushes and a winding road. In the distance are cottages amid trees. Canvas, 18 inches by 21 inches. Sales. De Clesne, Paris, December 4, 1786 (2420 francs). Helsleuter (H. van Eyl-Sluyter ?), Paris, January 21, 1802 (1561 francs). Lapeyriere, Paris, April 14, 1817 (2400 francs). 130. Landscape with a Cornfield. Sm. 204. On the left a rippling brook flows across a road which leads round a group of trees to the right. On the left are cornfields. In the distance are cottages and low trees, with hills beyond. On the road in front a woman leads a boy. Through the rain-clouds the sun's rays penetrated, forming a fine rainbow. But this, according to Sm. (1835), was cleaned away by a restorer since the sale of 1830. Canvas, 2i inches by 24^ inches. Sales. R. Bernal, London, 1824 (105). Thompson Martin, London, 1830 (jno : 55.). 131. View of a Plain with Cornfields and Meadows. Sm. 1 68. The fields are enclosed with low bushy trees. In front are a pool, rocks, fallen trees, and two cows and three sheep with a herdsman. The man, wearing a sheepskin coat, leans on the back of a dun cow and looks at a peasant who approaches, driving a sheep. These figures, according to Sm., are copied from A. van de Velde by a modern painter. In the distance are a church tower, three mills, and a house. The sky is overcast, with a passing gleam of sunshine in the centre. Canvas, 22 inches by 28 inches. Bought from Fossard, Paris, in 1830 by Sm. (who valued it in 1835 at 210).