Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/61

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 47 132. Landscape with Cornfields; a Shepherd with Sheep and Cows. Sm. 106. An open plain is divided by a rough road leading into the distance. To the left is a field of ripe corn ; beyond it is a wood of low trees on the brow of a hill. A peasant drives seven sheep and two cows forward ; these figures are by A. van de Velde. " An excellent work of the master, remarkably fresh in hue and luminous in effect " (Sm.). Canvas, i8| inches by 22 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1832. Sales. Edward Coxe, London, April 23, 1807 (98 : 143.). Earl of Mulgrave, London, May 12, 1832 (^73 : IDS., Lord Lans- downe). In the collection of Sir Abraham Hume, Bart., 1835 (Sm.). Most probably now in the collection of Earl Brownlow, Ashridge Park. 133. The Cornfield. Sm. Suppl. 79. An open plain with a stream along the front and the ruins of a bastion and tower on its banks. In the distance are a village and a church tower rising above trees. Canvas, about 17 inches by i6| inches. Sale. Dubois, Paris, December 7, 1840 (3500 francs). 134. A Cornfield. A cornfield in bright sunlight lies to the left in a hilly landscape which is intersected by a road. The clouds cast dark shadows on the right. In front lie tree-trunks ; beyond are figures on the road. Canvas, 18 inches by i inches. Sale. Meffre the elder, Paris, February 25, 1845, No. 81. 135. Harvest. Sm. Suppl. 80. Near the front is a spacious hill mostly covered with ripe corn ; some of the corn is in sheaves, and a peasant reaps the rest. A peasant approaches along a winding road which crosses the field. Along the front is a sandy road. In the distance are a few bushy trees and a hedge. A fine day. An " excellent picture " (Sm.). Canvas, 16 inches by 18 inches. In the collection of the Baron Verstolk van Soelen, The Hague, No. 46, 1842 (Sm.). The collection was sold as a whole in 1846 to Thomas Baring, H. Mildmay, and Lord Overstone. Chaplin bought this picture. 135*. Cornfields at Harvest (or, A Traveller watering his Steed). Sm. Suppl. 41. An open hilly country at harvest time. To the left of a road, which passes cornfields and sandhills, is an inn with a thatched roof and a flag. A young man on a roan horse rides through a brook in front, where two children bathe. Another man on a grey horse, farther back, converses with a shepherd and other persons. On the horizon is a village church, half hidden behind rising ground. A few sunbeams break through the clouds. The figures are by Philips Wouwerman. Canvas, 20 inches by 23 inches. In the collection of Baron Nagell van Ampsen, The Hague, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. A. W. C. Baron Nagell van Ampsen, The Hague, September 5, 1851, No. 56 (2010 florins, I. Roos).