Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/78

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64 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. from the distance rushes down a waterfall beside the mill. An old bridge crosses the river to the mill ; on the bridge is a horseman. To the left are small figures walking to the mill. On the right is a clump of trees. On the left is a pleasant landscape with a village church tower and, farther away, an old tower. Panel, 18 inches by 23 inches. Sale. Khalil Bey, Paris, January 16, 1868, No. 97. 189*. The Wind-Mill in the Wood. On a wooded slope, down which flows a little stream, stands a lonely mill. In the sky at the back are sunlit clouds. Panel, n| inches by 15 inches. Sale. J. Dintl and others, Vienna, November 23, 1869, No. 137. 190. Landscape with a Wind-Mill in the Middle Distance. To the right of the mill is a cottage, half covered with red tiles. In the left foreground is a pool. Signed in full, and dated 1657 ; panel, 12 J inches by 6 inches. Exhibited at Vienna, 1873, No. 147. Then in the possession of the dealer C. Sedelmeyer. 191. A River Landscape with a Wind-Mill. The river flows towards the front, and in the distance makes a bend to the right. On a sandy road along a meadow bordered by trees, to the right, a peasant carrying a basket walks away. Two other persons disappear round the bend of the road. To the left of the river are a cottage and a wind-mill. On the horizon is a level field of ripe corn in golden sunlight. Beyond it is a town with a high church tower. A man in a boat rows down the river. On the water in front are ducks and waterfowl. Cloudy sky. Signed on the right with the monogram; canvas, nj inches by 1 6 inches. Sale. Prince Demidoff, San Donate, near Florence, March 15, 1880, No. 1040. 192. A Wind-Mill. Sales. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, June 2, 1884 (6200 francs, bought in) ; see P. Eudel, 1885, p. 405. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, January 29, 1885 (6000 francs); see P. Eudel, 1886, p. 199. 1920. Landscape with a Wind-Mill. To the left is a distant view. To the right, on a hill covered with grass and bushes, are a wind- mill and several red-brick houses approached by a broad road. Several figures are in the road. In front is a forest stream with a bridge. Signed with the monogram, and dated 1661 ; panel, 17 inches by 20 inches. , In Germany, between 1880 and 1890, No. 35. 1926. A Wind-Mill in a River Landscape. Sm. 95. A marshy landscape, with a river filling most of the foreground. The river flows to