Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/79

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xiii JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 65 the right across the middle distance, round a high bank covered with bushes and trees. Through an opening in the trees are a church tower and a wind-mill on a hill. In the left foreground sits an angler. Beyond him, across the river, are meadows, with cattle grazing. Beyond is a row of trees, above which rise a wind-mill and a house. Described from the engraving (Sm.). Panel, 9^ inches by 14^ inches. Engraved by Bacheley. Then in the Herutener collection, Rouen. Sale. H. W. Cholmley and others, London, February i, 1902, No. 94 (204:158.); the brief note in the catalogue identifies this picture with the engraved work. 192^. A Wind-Mill in a River Landscape. Panel, n inches by 15 inches. Sale. Fenton and others, London, February 16, 1903, No. 124. 192^. A Wind-Mill in a Hilly Landscape. With a river and figures. Panel, 24 inches by 33 inches. Sale. London, June 22, 1903, No. 49. 192*. Landscape with a Wind-Mill. With figures. Panel, 10 inches by 14 inches. Sale. London, February 5, 1906, No. 19. ig2/ A Wind-Mill near Water. The walls of a fortified town are reflected in a water-course. On the top of a bastion stands a wind- mill. Fishermen are in boats on the water. Cloudy sky. Panel, 14 inches by 19^ inches. Sale. Count Ruffo-Bonneval de la Fare and others, Aachen, December 18, 1907, No. 49. 193. A Wind- and Water- Mill. In the centre of the middle distance is a stone bridge of two arches over a rushing stream which drives a mill-wheel. To the right of the wooden shed beside the wheel is con- nected the lower part of a high wooden wind-mill. The stream flows to the right foreground, where the opposite bank is overgrown with bushes and trees. On the left is a road leading to the meadows in the distance. In front, near a sunlit fence, are four tree-trunks. Farther back a man crosses a wooden bridge. In the distance are hills. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 24 inches by 32^ inches. Sale. Paul Mersch, Paris, May 8, 1908, No. 61. 194. A LIME-MILL ON A RIVER-BANK. In mid-stream is a ship under sail, flying Dutch colours. The houses and roofs are in pale tints. 29^ inches by 41 inches. In the Wilstach collection, Philadelphia. In the Wilstach Gallery, Philadelphia, 1907 catalogue, No. 251. VOL. IV F