Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/80

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66 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 194*. A Little Mill. Sale. Cornelis Hasselaar, Amsterdam, April 26, 1742 (Hoet, ii. 52), No. 42 (n florins 5). 195. Landscape with a Mill. Sm. 87. In the middle distance are a mill and cottages, with a wood beyond. The hilly foreground is overgrown with bushes and plants. On a knoll at the side is a fine oak. Canvas, 20 inches by 23 inches. Sale. Claude Tolozan, Paris, February 23, 1801 (1650 francs). 196. Mills and Cottages by a River. Sm. 94. With a water- fall. A man raises a sluice. Panel, 19 inches by 25 inches. Engraved by Boisseau. Sale. F. Tronchin des Delices of Geneva, Paris, March 23, 1801 (705 francs). 197. Landscape with a Mill and Ruins. Sm. 105. Beyond is a wood, with a church spire rising above it. Along the foreground a rapid stream runs to join a river. In the collection of Baron Nagell van Ampsen. Sale. Edward Coxe, London, April 23, 1807 (70). 197*7. A Corn-Mill. A mill on a knoll in a fine landscape with a cottage and trees. On a still pool is a fisherman in a boat. Fine distance. Naturally painted with pleasant sunlight. Panel, 10 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Bicker and Wijkersloot, Amsterdam, July 19, 1809, No. 47 (630 florins, De Vos). 197*. The Mill. Sale. W. Porter, London, 1810 (304 : IDS., Lord Yarmouth). 197^. A Mill near a Town. In the middle distance is a river, with a ship under full sail. Canvas, I2| inches by 15 inches or 32 inches by 38 inches. Sale. H. Croese, Amsterdam, May 27, 1818, No. 47 (995 florins, De Vries). 1970?. Landscape with a Saw-Mill. Sale. The Hague, June 8, 1820, No. 185. 197^. A Mill on a Town-Wall. In a landscape with water and trees. Canvas on panel, 17 inches by 18 inches. Sale. J. Roelofs, Amsterdam, March 8, 1824, No. 134 (342 florins, Harris). 197*. The Mill. A mill stands to the left in the shadow of a group of trees with autumn foliage. Across a pool to the right is a meadow with slender trees. An early work.