Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/94

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8o JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 240. LANDSCAPE WITH WATERFALL. From the left middle distance flows a mountain stream, forming a low waterfall in front and then passing to the left. On the left bank is a cottage with two firs behind it, and fallen trees, on which men are at work, in the left fore- ground, overhanging the stream. On the rocky bank in the right middle distance a great leafy tree overhangs a wooden bridge, which three cows and several persons are crossing in opposite directions. In the centre distance is the rocky valley of the stream with a hill to the right. [Pendant to 239.] Signed in full, "J. Ruysdael" ; canvas, 40^ inches by 34 inches. Engraved in mezzotint by J. G. Prestel. Sale. Count von Brabeck and Count Andreas von Stolberg of S6der, Hanover, October 31, 1859, No. 229 (^1069:15:3, for the National Gallery). In the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 628. 241. LANDSCAPE WITH WATERFALL. Sm. Suppl. 72. The waterfall fills the centre of the middle distance. In the left fore- ground lie tree-trunks on the rocky bank. On the right bank is a road with several figures. Behind is a high wooded hill, topped by three tall firs against the sky ; on the hill are a castle and a cottage. On the left, close to the water, is another tall fir ; behind it, on a lower hill, is a village with a high church tower. In the distance are more hills ; on the most distant hill to the left is another castle. A fresh morning. " A capital picture . . . painted in the artist's firm and vigorous style and in his best period " (Sm.). Signed in full ; canvas, 39 inches by 34 inches. Sale. Meynders, Amsterdam, 1838, No. 37 measuring 40 inches by 34 inches (4001 florins, Brondgeest ; but, according to Sm., 4400 florins, Sm. and Chaplin). In the collection of J. M. Oppenheim, London, 1842 (Sm.) ; bequeathed by him to the National Gallery, 1864. In the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 737. 242. A WATERFALL. Sm. 178, and Suppl. 55. In the right middle distance is a bare lofty hill, from which the ground slopes rapidly to the left. Half-way down, almost in the centre, a church tower rises out of a grove of tall leafy trees, on the outskirts of which are two large cottages. At the foot of the hill, below the cottages, a mountain stream rushes down from the right over great rocks in a low waterfall and flows to the left across the foreground. To the left, beyond the stream, is a ravine spanned by a wooden bridge, on which are figures and a flock of sheep. Beyond the bridge is seen the valley with trees and a distant hill. "A most magnificent picture of the very choicest quality" (Sm.). Signed in full ; canvas, 24 inches by 39 inches. Mentioned by Waagen, i. 409. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1824. Sales. J. A. Brentano, Amsterdam, May 13, 1822, No. 300 (6300 florins, Nieuwenhuys). Lord Charles Townshend, London, 1833 ^724 : ios., for Sir Robert