Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/95

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 81 Peel) ; sold to Peel in April 1835, according to a MS. note by Sm. in his own copy of his Catalogue. Acquired with the Peel collection for the National Gallery, 1871. In the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 855. 243. ROCKY LANDSCAPE WITH TORRENT. A rocky landscape with trees and bushes. The ground rises to the right. In the centre and on the right, amid the trees, are cottages and a church tower. In the left middle distance is a wooden bridge, on which are figures and a dog to the left and a flock of sheep passing from right to left, with their shepherd on the bank. A rocky basin fills almost the whole foreground ; the stream forms a waterfall amid great rocks and flows to the right. A tall fir and another with shattered stem stand on the farther bank in the right centre, against the sky. In the distance to the right is a precipitous cliff; in the distance to the left is a conical hill. Cloudy sky. Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 47^ inches by 50^ inches. Possibly the " Waterfall " mentioned in the Wynn Ellis collection by Waagen, ii. 297. In the Wynn Ellis collection, London ; bequeathed to the National Gallery in 1876. In the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 987. 244. A WATERFALL. In the collection of George Salting, London ; bequeathed to the National Gallery, London, 1909, but not among the pictures selected by the Trustees. In the collection of Lady Binning, Mellerstain House, Kelso. 244*. A WATERFALL. A waterfall fills the whole width of the foreground. In the middle distance a wooden bridge, supported in the middle by a rock, crosses the stream. On the bridge is a figure ; three others are in front to the right. Farther to the right is another figure in front of a wooden house amid trees. Signed in full on the right ; canvas, 24 inches by 20 inches. In the possession of the London dealers Thomas Agnew and Sons. 245. A WATERFALL WITH WOODCUTTERS. Sm. 194. In a wooded landscape a river forms a low waterfall in the left middle distance and fills the whole width of the foreground. In front to the right is a white tree-trunk broken in the middle, with a tree-stump to the right, and another trunk lying behind with one end in the water. In the right middle distance is a wood with bushes on the river-bank. In the centre are several woodcutters. In the left distance is a view of open country with a few trees. " A delightful example of the master, of excellent quality and execution" (Sm.). Canvas, 24 inches by 28 inches. Exhibited in the British Institution, London, 1819. Sales. Randon de Boisset, Paris, February 3, 1777, No. 127 (900 francs). Trouart, Paris, February 22, 1779, No. 130 (1200 francs). Comte de Vandreuil, Paris, November 24, 1784, No. 62 (1040 francs, Le Rouge). Lapeyriere, Paris, April 14, 1817 (3055 francs). VOL. IV G