Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/128

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ii2 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. 348*:. Portrait of a Young Man. Half-length. Almost in full face. With a tall hat and a turned-down collar. An excellent little picture. Octagonal panel, 5 inches by 4 inches. Sate. E. H. Mayer, Cologne, May 12, 1874, No. 262. 348^. Portrait of a Man. Standing beside a table, on which lie his hat, a watch, and a large book. Canvas, 30 inches by 23^ inches. Salt. Marquis de Salamanca, Paris, January 25, 1875, No. 82. 348*. Portrait of a Man in Black. He has a glove in his right hand and wears a large hat and a turned-down white collar. [Probably a pendant to 427.] Canvas, 1 8 inches by 14 inches. Sale. B de Saint-Seine, Paris, April 15, 1875, No. 283. 348/ Portrait of a Man. Half-length, seen in full face. He has curly hair and a black moustache and whiskers. He is in a dark dress with a large collar and tassel. Green background. Admirably painted. Panel, 29! inches by 24 inches. Sale. FUrstenberg and others, Cologne, August 6, 1877, No. no. 349. Portrait of a Dutchman. Standing, turned three-quarters right. His left hand is on his hip ; his right hand holds his gloves. He has a moustache, and long brown hair falling on his shoulders. He wears a short jacket with wide sleeves, wide breeches trimmed with ribbon, stockings fastened at the knee with broad ribbons, and laced shoes. A broad collar falls over his jacket ; on his sleeves are wide stiff cuffs. Beside him, on a table with a green cloth, lies his hat. Signed on the left with the monogram ; panel, 30 inches by 22^ inches. Sale. Neven, Cologne, March 17, 1879, No. 208. 350. Portrait of a Man. Seen to the waistband. His head is turned three-quarters right. He is in black with a turned-down collar adorned with tassels. [Pendant to 431.] Oval copper, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 524 (3150 francs, with pendant). 351. Portrait of a Man. Full length, standing. He wears a large black coat and a round hat. He holds a glove in his hand. 23 inches by 20 inches. Exhibited in the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1881, No. 80. Then in the collection of Sir William N. Abdy, Bart., London. 351*. Portrait of a Dutchman. Full length. [Pendant to 431^.] Signed ; canvas, 18 inches by 14 inches. Sale. P. Methorst the elder and others, Amsterdam, March 14, 1882, No. 81.