Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/129

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xvn GERARD TER BORCH 113 352. Portrait of a Man in Black. Three-quarter length, stand- ing. He leans his left elbow on a table with a red velvet cover. [Pendant to 389.] Panel, 15! inches by 12 inches. In the collection of Prince Zampieri, Bologna. Sale. Amedee Gautray, Paris, February 23, 1883 (1480 francs) see Eudel, 1884, p. 143. 353. Portrait of a Scholar. Three-quarter length. He sits on a wooden chair at his writing-table, turning the leaves of a book lying before him. His head is turned three-quarters right. He has grey hair, and is in black with a close-fitting white collar. His right hand rests on his knee. At the back is a map. On a shelf are books. On the right- hand wall hangs a mandoline. Signed on the right at top with the monogram ; copper, 16 inches by 1 1 inches. Sales. P. Roelfsema and others, Groningen, June 22, 1863, No. 328. Dr. van Cleef of Utrecht, Paris, April 4, 1864, No. 92 (i 100 francs). Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 523 (1700 francs). Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 21, 1883, No. 104 (1500 francs). 354. Portrait of a Short Man. Full length, standing, turned a little to the right. He is in black. On a table beside him lies his hat. [Pendant to 434.] [Probably identical with 319. Translator.'] Canvas, 31 inches by 25 inches. Exhibited in the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1884, No. 60. Then in the collection of W. F. B. Massey Mainwaring, London. 355. Portrait of a Scholar. Three-quarter length. He is turned three-quarters right. He has long curly hair and a slight moustache. He is in black, with a wide, square, close-fitting collar. Beside him to the right is a table with a red cover, on which lie a book and some gloves. Dark-grey background. Canvas, 17^ inches by 14 inches. Sale. Freiherr von Fechenbach and others, Cologne, May 29, 1889 (410 mark). 356. Portrait of a Scholar. Turned three-quarters right. In black with a broad round collar. Canvas on panel, 9 inches by 6J inches. Sale. A. Baehner, Cologne, September 30, 1889, No. 136. 356*7. Portrait of a Young Scholar in his Study. Canvas, 25! inches by 21 inches. Sale. O. A. Spitzen, Zwolle, October 15, 1889, No. 21. 357. Portrait of a Man. Half-length. He is turned to the left, and looks straight before him. He has long brown hair, and wears a black cloak which he holds together with his left hand. On a table with a purple cloth, to the left, is a gold watch. VOL. v I