Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/130

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II4 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. Canvas, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. Hopken-Melenberg and others, Berlin, May 6, 1892, No. 6. 358. Portrait of a Scholar. Three-quarter length. He stands beside a pillar with a red curtain. He is turned a little to the left. He wears a black gown with a turned-down collar and a small black cap. On a table beside him lies an open book. Panel, 12^ inches by 8| inches. Sale. The widow Marie von Robert and others, Cologne, March 27, 1893, No. 303. 359. Portrait of a Preacher. Three-quarter length. He is in black, with white bands, and stands at a table with a red cover, on which lies his hat. Panel, 17 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Clave-Bouhaben, Cologne, June 4, 1894, No. 308. 360. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Full length. He is in black, and holds his black hat in his right hand, and his gloves, trimmed with brown, in his left. The picture has suffered, but is still of good quality. 24! inches by 17 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, August 7, 1776, No. 138 (4 florins 25) canvas, 26^ inches by 2l inches. A. Hope, London, June 30, 1894, No. 64 (^420, Clayton). 361. Portrait of a Middle-aged Preacher. Half-length. In three-quarter profile against a grey background. He is in black with a white collar, and wears a black cap on his fair curly hair. A very delicate picture, admirably characteristic of the master. Signed above the left shoulder with the monogram ; copper, 5 inches by 3! inches. Sale. Wallis and others, Berlin, May 24, 1895, No. 109. 362. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GENTLEMAN. Full length, standing. He is turned three-quarters right, and looks at the spectator. He is beardless and has long brown curly hair. He is in black, with white cuffs and a white lace collar, from which hang two tassels. He wears breeches, white stockings, and black laced shoes. His black cloak is thrown round his waist, and the edge is held in his gloved left hand. His right hand hangs down. On a table with a green cover, to the right, are his broad-brimmed felt hat, a large book bound in vellum, and a watch in a case. To the left are an easy-chair and a half-opened door. On the back wall hangs a map ; near it are two chairs. 30 inches by 24 inches. Sales. F. J. Gsell, Vienna, March 14, 1872. D de G , Paris, June 8, 1896, No. 9. Van Oudshoorn and others, Amsterdam, November 24, 1896, No. 88 (3450 florins). 362*. Portrait of a Man in Black. With a lace collar. [Pendant to 440^.]