Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/185

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xvin CASPAR NETSCHER 169 A Girl playing the Guitar. At a window. Exhibited at Utrecht, 1857, No. 57. Then in the collection of F. Kayser, Utrecht. 58*. A Dutch Lady playing the Bass- Viol. Copper, 8 inches by 7 inches. In the collection of the Vicomte de Jessaint. Sale. B. de S - , Paris, May 4, 1865, No. 189. 59. A Fair Young Lady playing the Guitar. She wears a red silk dress with slashed sleeves, and a pearl necklace and ear-rings. She sits at a table covered with a Smyrna carpet ; in front of her lies a music-book. [Pendant to 457.] [Almost certainly identical with 58 (Wallace). Translator.] Signed in full to the left on the guitar-case, and dated 1669 ; panel, 14 inches by u inches. Sales. Pieck-Le Leu de Wilhelm, The Hague, May 28, 1777, No. 72 (114 florins, Ten Gate). H. de Kat of Dordrecht, Paris, May 2, 1866, No. 57 (5500 francs). 60. A Lady playing the Guitar. She wears a white silk dress and pearls, and sits leaning her right arm on a table covered with a Persian carpet. On the table is a little dog. Canvas, 19 inches by 16 inches. Sales. C. M. Drekman, Amsterdam, April 14, 1857, No. 68. Gruyter, Amsterdam, October 24, 1882, No. 75. 6o<7. A Girl with a Guitar. She wears a red dress. In the possession of the Berlin dealer Otto Pein, about 1885 noted by A. Bredius ; not in the sale catalogue of October 29, 1888. 6 1. A Young Lady playing the Mandoline. She wears a silk dress cut low at the neck. She sits at a table covered with a Persian carpet, on which are a music-book, ornaments, and toilet utensils. A fine composition. Signed in full in the left background ; canvas, 17 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Vicomte de Buisseret, Brussels, April 29, 1891, No. 76 (3900 francs, Cassel). 6 1 a. A Comely Young Lady holding an Open Letter. She meditates, with a look of surprise, on the contents. She wears a dress trimmed with white fur, and sits in a well-furnished room. Beside it is a basket of needlework. Finely rendered. Canvas, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. C. van Hardenberg, Utrecht, September 20, 1 802, No. 67 (46 florins, bought in). 62. A Lady reading a Letter. She holds the letter in her right hand, and leans her arms on a carpet covering a table. A curtain hangs at an arched window. Panel, 9 inches by 8 inches.