Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/186

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170 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. Sales. Josua van Belle, Rotterdam, September 6, 1730 (Hoet, i. 358), No. 8 1 (165 florins). B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 91 (71 florins, Lamme). 62a. A Young Lady holding a Letter. She is thinking over the contents. She wears a jacket trimmed with fur. Finely painted. Sale. D. G. van den Burgh van Kronenburg, Loenen, September 6, 1824, No. 39 (33 florins, Tomassen). 6i. A Young Woman holding a Letter. Panel, 13^ inches by loj inches. Sale. J. Bernard, Amsterdam, November 24, 1834, No. 101 (96 florins, Gruyter). 63. A YOUNG GIRL WITH A WATCH BY CANDLE- LIGHT. Sm. 54. She is seen through a window. She sits turned to the left at a table, with her head towards the spectator. She holds in her left hand a little watch which she is winding up with the right hand. She wears a dark green silk jacket trimmed with ermine and a lace cap. On the table in front of her are a white paper, an elaborate inkstand, and a lighted candle. Above to the left is a curtain. Dark background. "Exquisitely wrought" (Sm.). Panel, 8| inches by 7 inches. A study for the picture is in the collection of J. P. Heseltine, London. Sale. J. F. d'Orvielle, Amsterdam, July 15, 1705 (Hoet, i. 81), No. n (125 florins). In the collection of the Marquis de Voyer. In the Uffizi Gallery, Florence, 1910 catalogue, No. 867 ; it was there in 1833 (Sm., who valued it at ^105). 630. A Comely Lady holding a Watch in her Right Hand. She leans her left arm on a table covered with a carpet. She wears a richly trimmed dress of red and white silk. A fine and carefully painted picture. Panel, i8| inches by 14 inches. Sale. J. Witsen, Amsterdam, August 16, 1790, No. 52(10 florins, Fouquet). 63^. A Lady holding a Silver Watch. She is richly dressed, and sits in front of a red curtain. At the back is a garden with a fountain. Oval copper. Sale. P. L. Mortier, Amsterdam, May 6, 1846, No. 173 (5 florins 50, C. Roos). 63*:. A Lady holding a Watch to her Ear. A good picture. Sales. Amsterdam, August 9, 1739 (Hoet, i. 596), No. 9 (150 florins). Henry Arteria, London, April 23, 1850, No. 82 (73 : ios.). A Lady with a Dog, a Lamb, a Parrot or other Bird. See portraits, 367-45O/'. See also 137-140. . A Boy, seated, blowing Soap- Bubbles. 12 inches by 9^ inches.