Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/205

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xvm CASPAR NETSCHER 189 covered with a Persian carpet, on which lies some music. On the back wall is a mirror in a gilt frame. [Pendant to 118.] Signed in full on the music-paper ; panel, rounded at top, 19 inches by 15 inches. A replica was in the sale: J. A. Brentano, Amsterdam, May 13, 1822, No. 240 (416 florins). There are copies 1. In the Kassel Gallery, 1903 catalogue, No. 295 Sm. Suppl. 26 and 32. 2. In the Steengracht collection, The Hague. 3. In a private collection at Bremen. Engraved by Heine in the Musee Franfais, and by Filhol. Engraved in mezzotint. In the collection of Amadeus of Savoy. In the Louvre, Paris, belonging to the old collection, 1903 catalogue, No. 2487. 120. A Lady in a Silk Gown at Music with a Gentleman. With accessories. Unusually fine. 2o| inches by 16^ inches. Sale. P. van Dorp, Leyden, October 16, 1760, No. 2 (260 florins). 121. The Duet. Sm. 4. An elegantly dressed lady sits with a music- paper in her hand at a table on which lie two music-books. She seems to be singing to the accompaniment of a guitar played by another lady. A man-servant brings a glass of beer on a silver salver. Panel, rounded at top, 18 inches by 17 inches. Probably a copy of "The Concert," by Ter Borch (137), in the Louvre, Paris, or of the replica in the Arenberg collection, Brussels (127). Another copy, passing under the name of Netscher, is in the collection of the Duke of Rutland, Belvoir. Sale. Peilhon, Paris, May 16, 1763 (1320 francs) see Ch. Blanc, i. 115. 122. A Music-Party. Sm. 47. Two ladies and a gentleman. A lady in white satin is seated. She sings from a music-paper and beats time with her hand. The other lady sits opposite to her, leaning on a table and listening. The gentleman stands beyond them, accompanying the singer on his guitar. On the table is a china jug on a salver. Engraved by J. M. Delatre, 1770, and described by Sm. from the print. In the collection of Charles Rogers, London (?), in 1 770. 123. A Music -Party. Sm. 13. A lady plays on the bass-viol, accompanied by a gentleman on the guitar. Another lady and a gentleman are listening. A dog, a stool, and a chair. Canvas, 17 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Comte Dubarry, Paris, November 21, 1774 (820 francs). 123*7. A Lady singing and a Gentleman with a Lute. Sale. N. N , London, 1785 (53 : ios., Shaw) see Art Sales, ii. 3 1 1 . 124. Music and Company. Sm. 25. Two gentlemen and two