Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/206

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1 90 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. ladies in a handsome room. One of the men, in black with hat in hand, enters the room, preceded by his dog. A lady in a red jacket and a white satin skirt advances to meet him. The other lady sits at a table, playing the guitar. The other man stands farther away, looking at the man who enters. In front is a green velvet chair. 26 inches by 30 inches. A picture corresponding to the description, and perhaps the same, was, under the name of Eglon van der Neer, in the sale : Le Boeuf, Paris, April 8, 1783 (2101 francs). Sale. Proley, Paris, 1787 (13,501 francs). 125. The Duet. In front of a stone niche with a relief stands a young lady playing the lute. She is singing, and is accompanied by another lady who beats time from the music in front of her. This other lady rests her elbow on a cushion lying on the edge of the niche. In a room at the back hangs a violin. Through a door is a view along a gallery into a garden. A fine picture, carefully painted. Panel, 15^ inches by II inches. Sale. J. W. B. Wuytiers, Utrecht, September 17, 1792, No. 45 (36 florins, Hardenberg). 1250. A Music- Party. 14 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 6, 1816, No. 56. 125^. A Party engaged in Music and Gossip. An interior with ladies and gentlemen. Sale. W. Beckford, Fonthill Abbey, near Bath, 1823 (73 : ios., Emmerson) see Art Safes, ii. 311. 125*:. The Duet. A lady in white sits playing the guitar beside a table with a cover. On the table is a dog. Beside it is another lady who is singing. Good in tone. Canvas, 2f| inches by 19 inches. Sale. D. Teixeira the younger, The Hague, July 23, 1832, No. 49. i25</. A Fiddler accompanying a Singer. Near them are a braying ass and a crowing cock. In the Hascloff collection, Berlin, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 188). 1 25*. A Music-Party. An attractive picture, fine in colour. In the collection of J. J. Chapuis, Brussels. Sale. A. Sils, Antwerp, March 21, 1882, No. 92. 125^ The Duet. A lady and gentleman at music. Sale. London, November 24, 1900, No. 28. The Concert. On a verandah, with a view of a garden to the left, sit a lady playing the guitar and a gentleman blowing the clarinet. At the back is a girl singing. To the right, above a marble bust, hangs a dark green drapery.