Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/278

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262 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. shoulders. She wears a pink silk wrap over her right shoulder, and has pearls at her throat and in her ears. Signed in full on the right, and dated 1673 j oval silver, 2| inches by 2 inches. Exhibited at The Hague, 1881, No. 381 ; and at Rotterdam, 1910, No. 799- In the collection of R. W. J. Baron van Pabst van Bingerden, The Hague. 373. PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN WHITE SILK. Her left hand is on the head of a big dog. She leans her head on her right arm. A blue cloak is thrown loosely over her left shoulder. Canvas, 20 inches by 16 inches. In the Loeb collection, Caldenhof, near Hamm. 374. PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH BROWN CURLS. She wears a reddish-brown silk dress, and sits at a table covered with an Eastern carpet. She leans her head on her right arm, the elbow of which is on the table j in her left hand is the blue bow of her waistband. In the background hangs a reddish-brown curtain, half drawn back. Behind it are a marble column with reliefs, and a female figure also in marble. Signed in full on the table-leg, and dated 1674 ; panel, 21 J inches by 16 inches. In the collection of Ernst Posselt, Warsaw ; given in 1907 to Heidelberg. In the Heidelberg Town Gallery. 375. Portrait of a Lady. She stands, turned to the left, holding in both hands a veil of brown gauze. Her brown silk dress is adorned with jewels and lace. At her throat and in her ears are pearls. Behind her is a brown silk drapery. To the left is a landscape. In front is a small orange tree in a sculptured pot standing on a pedestal. Signed in full, and dated 1677 ; canvas, i8| inches by 15 inches. In the collection of J. Six, Hilversum. 376. Portrait of a Lady. Full length. In the Meermanshof, Leyden ; noted by A. Bredius. 377. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. She wears a brownish-yellow gown, cut low at the neck, with a white chemisette and a blue wrap. Her right arm rests on a pedestal ; with her right hand she toys with one of her curls. In her left hand, which lies on her lap, is an orange. Dark background. [At her side is an orange-tree. Translator.] [Signed in full on left at foot, and dated 1681 ;] canvas, 17! inches by 15 inches. [Exhibited by Sir Richard Wallace at the Bethnal Green Museum, London, 1872, No. 131 ; presumably it had been in the collection of the Marquess of Hertford. Translator.} In the Wallace Collection, London, 1910 catalogue, No. 167. 378. A DUTCH LADY. She sits, turned a little to the right. She wears a purple jacket trimmed with fur and a yellow skirt. Her right hand is in her jacket ; her left hand is at her ear. Beside her to the right