Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/279

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xvni CASPAR NETSCHER 263 is a table. [Apparently she has in her left hand a crystal watch. Translator."] Panel, 6 inches by 5 inches. [On the back, Mr. D. S. MacColl has found an old inscription in ink which may be doubtfully read " A ? 379," with "M. H." and "pal " below it. Not in the Bethnal Green exhibition catalogue of 1872. Translator.] In the Wallace Collection, London, 1910 catalogue, No. 204. 379. Portrait of a Lady. Seated to the left in a three-quarter view. She has a white coiffure, with a small ornament in the middle of the fore- head. She wears a dark coat trimmed with fur, a white bodice cut out at an angle on either side, sleeves tucked up and held with clasps over full white under-sleeves, and a pearl necklace, earrings and bracelets, with a large jewelled ornament at the bosom. In her right hand is an open gold case containing a miniature ; her left hand rests on the arm of a chair covered with red velvet and decorated with brass nails. In the background to the right is a brown curtain, while to the left is a dark landscape. Long attributed to Rubens, even after John Smith had catalogued it in 1829 as by Netscher. Sm. did not, however, include it in his own catalogue of Netscher's works. Panel, 17^ inches by 13 inches. In the collection of the Earl of Radnor, Longford Castle, 1909 catalogue, No. 66 ; it has been there since about 1760. 380. Portrait of a Lady. Exhibited at Liege, 1893, No. 135. In the collection of Madame Joseph Servais, Liege. 381. Portrait of a Lady. With a coat-of-arms. Its authenticity is uncertain. [Pendant to 325.] Canvas, 14 inches by 12 inches. In the Lyons Museum, 1903 catalogue, No. 152 ; acquired in 1835. 382. PORTRAIT OF A DUTCH LADY. She is turned three- quarters left, in full light. She leans her left arm on a table to the right, which is covered with a dark reddish cloth. On the table is a spaniel. The lady wears a white satin dress and a dark mantle falling over the right shoulder and held in front by both hands. Dark background with trees and sky to the left. Canvas, 12 inches by io inches. In the Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1908 catalogue, No. 81 ; bought in 1871. 383. PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN RED. In the collection of the widowed Madame Kneppelhout, Oosterbeek. 384. PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN BLUE. Dated 1672. In the collection of the widowed Madame Kneppelhout, Oosterbeek. 385. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Three-quarter length. She is