Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/402

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386 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. Sale.]. L. Menke of Antwerp, Brussels, June i, 1904, No. 72 (270 francs). 262*. Interior with a Young Cavalier and a Lady. He tries to draw the lady towards him by her dress. She resists and thrusts a lighted candle at him. Panel, 20 inches by 16 inches. Sale. F. Hermesdorff and others, Munich, December 14, 1905, No. 161. 263. A LADY SEALING A LETTER. She wears a red dress trimmed with fur and holds a stick of sealing-wax in the flame of a candle. To the left is a boy. In the right background is a woman with a candle. Panel, rounded at top, 1 1 inches by 8 inches. In Rosenberg Castle, Copenhagen, 1793. In the Copenhagen Museum, 1904 catalogue, No. 315. 264. AN OLD WOMAN AND A YOUNG GIRL. They are behind a table, on which are a lighted candle, a loaf of bread, a mug and a jug. The girl, seen in profile, holds a lantern and hands the woman a letter. At the back a man stirs the fire. To the right, near a window, is an easy-chair. Panel, 18 inches by 14 inches. In the collection of Count SchOnborn-Buchheim, Vienna ; Von Frimmel's 1896 catalogue, No. 10 ; it has been in the collection since 1746 at least. 265. A Lady with a Letter. She holds a letter in her right hand and reads it thoughtfully. She stands in a room at a table, on which are a book and a candlestick. She holds a lighted candle in her left hand. At the side a comely girl stands looking on attentively. A fine effect of light ; delicately rendered. Panel, 6 inches by 5 inches. Srf/<?. (Fiseau?) Amsterdam, August 30, 1797, No. 206 (23 florins, Rooyers). 266. A Lady receiving a Letter. She sits in a room at a table, on which is a candle giving a feeble light. A weeping woman, who stands behind her, hands her a letter. Panel, 14^ inches by 12 inches. Exhibited at Cologne, 1840, No. 203. Sales. J. G. Riedinger, Cologne, May 1841, No. 61. Brade and others, Cologne, December 17, 1897, No. 259. 267. The Message. Near the open window of a room is a table with the remains of a meal ; on it stands a lighted candle. A very comely woman is clearing the table. A maid-servant holding a lighted lantern hands her an open paper. A man, probably the husband, sits by the fire- side, watching the woman ; he lights his pipe with a glowing ember on the end of a hook. The lady wears a brown dress, a green apron, and a white kerchief at her throat. The maid wears a brown jacket, a coloured kerchief, and a green skirt. A cage hangs from the ceiling. The room is furnished with a canopied bed hung with green curtains, a mangle, a