Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/403

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xix GODFRIED SCHALCKEN 387 foot- warmer, and a drapery hung high at the side. The candlelight falls mainly on the lady's figure. Extremely effective. Panel, 18 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Cardinal Fesch, Rome, March 17, 1845, No. 215. 268. A Young Girl holding a Letter. An old woman has handed it to her. An old man points at it reproachfully. Artificial light. Signed in full on the left at foot ; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. In the collection of Count Sch5nborn, Pommersfelden, 1857 catalogue, No. 92. Saks. Count Schonborn- Pommersfelden, Paris, May 17, 1867, No. 112 (850 francs, Haro). H. Haro, Paris, February 8, 1912, No. 208. 269. A GIRL WITH A LETTER. -She reads a letter at a table by candlelight. She holds her right hand at her chin. An old woman, standing behind her, looks over her shoulder and stretches out her hands in horror. Signed on the left at foot ; 10 inches by 7! inches. Sale. Merlo and others, Cologne, December 9, 1891, No. 162 (280 mark). 270. A GIRL TRYING TO BLOW OUT A CANDLE. Sm. 78. Another girl holds the candle and shades it with her left hand. Life size ; half-length. According to Van Gool, a young girl is repre- sented with her lover. Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 32 inches by 25 inches. Lithographed by W. Flachenecker and F. Piloty. In the collection of the Elector Palatine Johann Wilhelm (who died in 1716), DUsseldorf ; see Van Gool, ii. 536. In the Diisseldorf Gallery. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 434 ; in the store-room since 1910. 271. TWO WOMEN IN THE LIGHT OF A CANDLE. Sm. 91. Half-length ; seen in full face, behind a window-sill. One woman lays her left hand on the shoulder of the other woman, and holds in her right hand a candle which she has taken from the candlestick on the stone sill. Behind the group to the right, in an arched recess, is a statue of Venus in profile. In the left background is a piece of sky with the moon partly hidden by clouds. Sm., as well as the Van der Linden catalogue, describes the figure with the candle as that of a youth. Panel, rounded at top, 8 inches by 5^ inches. Engraved in the Musee Franfais. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 365 (870 florins, Fouquet). In the collection of Louis XVI., King of France. In the Louvre, Paris, 1903 catalogue, No. 2566 ; valued by the experts in 1816 (at 5000 francs), according to Sm. 272. A Peasant balancing a Sword on his Nose. He holds a lighted candle in his right hand. A party of men, women, and children look on. The scene is laid in an interior.