Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/404

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3 88 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. Canvas, 2o inches by 28^ inches. Sales. Brade and others, Cologne, December 17, 1897, No. 258. Von Huene and others, Cologne, April 25, 1898, No. no. 2720. An Old Woman. She leans on a half-door, with a candle in her hand. In front of her are five young people. Farther away a little child leans on a balustrade, holding a candle. Effectively lighted ; finely rendered. Copper, 14! inches by 12 inches. Sale. J. de Kommer, Amsterdam, April 15, 1767, No. I (51 florins, Van der Velde). 272^. Two Men by Candlelight. A good picture. Panel, 10 inches by 7^ inches. Sale. Antwerp, May 25, 1768 (Terw. 657), No. 24 (31 florins). 272^. A Old Man and Woman. By candlelight. Very effective. Sale. Walpole, Strawberry Hill, near London, April 25, 1842, No. 85 (t : 55., Russell). 2j2d. An Interior. With an effect of light. Sale. (Supplementary) Antwerp, September 7, 1846, No. 30. 272*. An Old Woman and a Boy. Candlelight. Sale. Duke of Buckingham, Stowe, August 15, 1848, No. 64 (n : o : 6). 273. A Young Woman and a Child. She wears a red velvet gown and a hood tied under the chin with blue ribbons. She sits at a table on which are placed various sculptured figures. Near her is a child who is smiling, as she herself is. In the centre of the table stands a lamp, the light from which illumines the woman's face. Effectively lighted. Copper, rounded at top, 10 inches by 7^ inches. Sale. Comte R. de Cornelissen, Brussels, May n, 1857, No. 75. 2730. Jewish Women round a Table. By lamplight. Three- quarter length. [Pendant to 232.] Panel, 13 inches by 18 inches. In the possession of the Strahow Foundation, Prague, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 501). 273^. A Street Scene by Torchlight. Canvas, 16 inches by i inches. Sale. Balthasar Schmidt, Berlin, June 20, 1891, No. 89. 273<r. Three Figures by Candlelight. Panel, I2| inches by 9 inches. Sale. Wilson and others, London, May 24, 1901, No. 132. 273^. Interior with Two Figures. By candlelight. Panel, 20 inches by 15 J inches. Sale. London, July 26, 1902, No. 85.