Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/445

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 429 24. THE NURSING MOTHER. Sm. 10. In the centre of a Dutch room a young woman with a child at her breast sits, seen in full face. She rests her left foot on a foot-warmer. She holds the infant with her left hand ; it is wrapped in a large woollen cloth and lies in her lap. She looks at the spectator. Her hair is combed back under a white cap. To the left, behind her chair, stands a boy in black with a white collar. He holds his felt hat in his left hand, and with the right shows a turnip to his mother, whom he seems to ask for it. On the left at an open window, which lights the room, is a table with a dark cover on which are a light cloth, artichokes, and a basket of fruit. On the floor under the table are a pail, a dish, and some turnips. In the right foreground are a lantern, a cabbage, an overturned basket on which lies a dead fowl, and a broom. In the background, beside the hearth, above which hangs a picture, an old man sits holding a book on his knees. From the ceiling hangs a bird-cage. [Pendant to 25.] Signed in full, and dated 1683 (?) ; panel, 20 inches by 17 inches. Sales. Bicker van Zwieten, The Hague, April 12, 1741 (Hoet, ii. 18), No. 94 but No. 100 of the original catalogue (350 florins, De Hond). Gaillard de Gagny, Paris, March 29, 1762 (1430 francs 50, with pendant) ; see Ch. Blanc, i. no. In the Karlsruhe Gallery, 1894 catalogue, No. 269. 25. THE MOTHER AT THE CRADLE. Sm. 9. With two boys. To the left of a room, at a window with the right lower part opened, a young woman sits on a raised portion of the floor, busy with her sewing. She wears a dark dress over a light under-garment leaving her neck bare ; her hair is combed back under a white cap. She has a white cloth on her lap, upon which she holds a sewing-pillow. She looks to the right, where in the centre of the room a boy stands crying beside a wicker cradle in which an infant lies asleep. The boy is in black with a white collar and holds his felt hat under his left arm. In the right foreground another boy kneels, playing with little balls on the tiled floor ; he is dressed like the other boy but wears his felt hat. On the floor in the left foreground are a slipper, a lantern, and a broom leaning against a table. In the left background is a cupboard on which are books and a large shell. Above it hangs a picture. On the side-wall to the left is a basket. To the right is a broad winding stair. Half-way up is a door leading into another room, where a man sits at a window playing the flute. From the ceiling hangs a bird-cage. [Pendant to 24.] Panel, 20 inches by 17 inches. Sales. Comte Fraula, Brussels, July 21, 1738 (Hoet, i. 525), No. 75 (365 florins). Bicker van Zwieten, The Hague, April 12, 1741 (Hoet, ii. 19), No. 95 but No. 101 of the original catalogue (300 florins, De Waart). Gaillard de Gagny, Paris, March 29, 1762 (1430 francs 50, with pendant) ; see Ch. Blanc, i. no. In the Karlsruhe Gallery, 1894 catalogue, No. 270.