Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/446

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43 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT. 26. A LADY CONVERSING WITH A GIRL. A lady stands at an open window, conversing with a girl who holds a basket on her arm. 17 inches by 14 inches. Exhibited in the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1877, No. 84. In the collection of A. J. Robarts, London. 27. INTERIOR, WITH A WOMAN BESIDE A CRADLE AND TWO BOYS. At an open window to the left sits a woman, wearing a dark dress with a white cap, a white wrap, and a white apron on which lies her sewing-pillow with her needlework. On the floor to the right, beside her, is a wicker cradle, in which an infant lies asleep. To the right, near the cradle, are two boys. One of them, wearing his hat, kneels on the floor. The other stands pointing with his right hand at his mother, who threatens the boy with her left hand. Behind the woman is a cupboard with a large shell on it. Behind the cradle is a winding stair. Half-way up it is a maid-servant. Behind her is another room. In the right foreground are a tub with poultry lying on it, a copper pot, and an earthenware pan. In the left foreground a cabbage lies on the floor near a pail. Signed in full on the tub ; panel, 2i| inches by 26^ inches. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger, "Catalogue of 150 Paintings," 1911, No. 70. 27*7. AN INTERIOR. A woman sits sewing at a window to the left. A child lies in a cradle. Behind it stands a crying boy. Another boy plays with marbles. Farther back, near a window, a man is smoking. To the right is a large winding stair. A big bird-cage hangs from the ceiling. Brown in tone. Panel, 20 inches by 16 inches. In the collection of J. Porges, Paris. 28. Interior, with a Woman nursing a Child. Sm. 4. Panel, 20 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Baron Schonborn, Amsterdam, April 16, 1738 (Hoet, i. 508), No. 30 but No. 31 according to Terw. 19 and the original catalogue (410 florins). 29. An Interior. A woman sits with a child on her lap. A little boy looks through a window ; he holds a bird which a cat is watching. Various domestic accessories. Very finely rendered. Panel, io inches by 10 inches. Sale. Aegidius L. Tolling, Amsterdam, November 21, 1768 (Terw. 686), No. 5 but No. 3 of the original catalogue (33 florins, Yver). 30. A Mother with a Child at her Breast. In a room a woman with a child at her breast sits near a cradle. On a table are some game and vegetables. At the fireside stands a maid-servant. Finely rendered. Panel, 13 inches by 15^ inches.