Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/449

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 433 Sale. Baron Schonborn, Amsterdam, April 16, 1738 (Hoet, i. 508), No. 31 but No. 32 according to Tervv. 19 (55 florins). 35<r. A Woman darning. In a room a woman sits darning a piece of muslin. Beside her is a child. Accessories. Very thinly and finely painted. Panel, I2| inches by io| inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 13, 1770, No. 34 (20 florins). 36. A Woman sewing. A woman seated, seen to the knees, holds a sewing-pillow on her lap, and is threading a needle. Beside her stands a small boy. Finely painted. Panel, 13 inches by n inches. Sales. Amsterdam, January 20, 1772, No. 27 (14 florins, Winter). F. van de Velde, Amsterdam, September 7, 1774, No. 84 (27 florins, Van der Hoop). J. L. Strantwijk, Amsterdam, May 10, 1780, No. 240 (29 florins, Winter). 360. An Old Woman spinning. She sits in a thoughtful attitude at her wheel in a cottage. She holds a bottle in her right hand and a pipe in her left. In the right foreground are a chair, a copper pot, an earthen- ware colander full of mussels, a skimming spoon, and a fireplace. Natural and carefully painted. Panel, 15^ inches by 13 inches. Sales. N. NieuhofF, Amsterdam, April 14, 1777, No. 186 (135 florins). J. Tak, Soeterwoude, September 5, 1781, No. 22 (407 florins, Hoogeveen). 37. A Girl at a Spinning- Wheel. A comely girl, wearing a red jacket trimmed with white fur and a white satin skirt, sits at a spinning- wheel. She seems lost in thought. A good and finely rendered picture. Panel, 8^ inches by 7^ inches. Sale. J. Danser Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1797, No. 252 (30 florins). 38. A Woman at a Spinning - Wheel. In a Dutch room a woman sits, with a spinning-wheel at her side and a cradle in front of her. To the left lie a beer-barrel, a market-pail, and other accessories. In the background are a bed and household accessories. Unusually fine in execu- tion, pleasing and good in drawing and colour. Panel, 19 J inches by 15 inches. Sale. G. van der Pot van Groeneveld, Rotterdam, June 6, 1808, No. 115 (365 florins, Vervier). 380. A Lace- Maker. A young girl sits making lace. Finely rendered and good. Oval, 9 inches high. Sale. R. H. de Wetstein and others, Haarlem, March 23, 1810, No. 10. VOL. V 2 F