Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/450

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434 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT. 39. A Young Woman making Lace. A young woman sits making lace. Behind her is a table with a cloth, on which are an open book and a bird-cage. Finely painted. Panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. G. Schimmelpenninck, Amsterdam, July 12, 1819, No. no (120 florins, Van den Berg). 40. The Lace-Maker. Sm. Suppl. 14. A young woman, wearing a figured green gown, a red shirt, a white kerchief edged with lace, and a neat white cap, sits at an arched window making lace. On a table to her right is a cat. At the side hangs a bird-cage. "This little gem is finished with surprising delicacy " (Sm.). Panel, enlarged, 1 1 inches by 8| inches. Possibly identical with the picture in the Schloss Altstadt, Kassel, 1783 inventory, No. 91. In the possession of Oswald Smith, 1842 (Sm.). 400. A Lady making Lace. A lady in white satin is making lace. On a chair in front of her a silky-haired lap-dog lies asleep. In the left corner is a yarn-winder. Signed on the left with the monogram ; panel, 16 inches by 12^ inches. Sale. G. Finger des Raths, Frankfort-on-Main, May 21, 1874, No. 69. 40^. A Dutch Lady sewing. A Dutch lady sits busy with her sewing. A little boy leans on a table with a red cover, upon which lies an open music-book. He gives some bread-crumbs to a bird in a cage. To the right is a chimney-piece with pilasters. Panel, 16 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 474. 4Oc. The Lace-Maker. In a room a young woman sits making lace. An effect of light from a candle. Panel, 15 inches by n inches. Sale. Bos of Harlingen, Amsterdam, February 21, 1888, No. 189. 41. The Lace-Maker. Sm. 6, and Suppl. 4. A comely young woman is seated in profile, wearing a purple jacket, a brown skirt, and a blue apron. She holds in her lap a pillow and bobbins on which she is making lace. She looks at a young girl who plays with an infant in a chair. To the right, beside a high chimney-piece, is a table with a green cloth, on which are a white napkin, bread, a jug, a candlestick, and various other things. In front are various kitchen utensils, such as a dish with a salmon, an overturned copper pan which has held vegetables, and so on. In the background is a bed, with the clothes turned down. An " excellent picture " (Sm.). Signed in full ; panel, i8| inches by 16 inches. Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1845, No. 23. Sale. Antoni Bierens, Amsterdam, July 20, 1747 (Hoet, ii. 198), No. 2- (1250 florins, Jacob Bierens). In the collection of Jacob Bierens, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 522).