Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/487

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 471 181. KITCHEN UTENSILS. Sm. 36. With other objects. 6| inches by 10 inches. In the Louvre, Paris, 1907 catalogue, No. 2570 ; valued by the experts in 1816 (at 600 francs). Dead Game. Sale. D. Grenier, Middelburg, August 18, 1712, No. 49 (i 6 florins). i8i. Still-Life. Sale. Amsterdam, April 17, 1758, No. 126 (15 florins 5). 182. Vanity. On a table is a fine casket of jewels. Near it are a handsome goblet, a candlestick, a candle, and other accessories. All are naturally painted in much detail. [Pendant to 183.] Panel, 12 inches by n inches. Sale. Bicker and Wijkersloot, Amsterdam, July 19, 1809, No. 49 (23 florins 10, with pendant, Gruijter). 183. Vanity. A table with a globe, a skull, an hour-glass, musical instruments, and a lighted lamp. [Pendant to 182.] Panel, 12 inches by n inches. Sale. Bicker and Wijkersloot, Amsterdam, July 19, 1809, No. 49 (23 florins, with pendant, Gruijter). 183^. A Table with a Cloth. On it are a plate of oysters, a goblet, and other objects. Panel. Sale. A. J. Petit, Malines, July 5, 1826, No. 51 (5 francs 50). 184. Dead Game. A table with partridges, snipe, and other game ; with a basket of eggs and two stoneware pots. Panel, 14^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May i, 1837, No. 599. 185. Still-Life. A stoneware pot, a glass, and a paper of tobacco, and so on. Panel, 14 inches by loj inches. Sale. Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May I, 1837, No. 60 1. 1 86. Still- Life. Sm. Suppl. 21. On a table are a basket containing a cushion and a cloth, a lace pillow, two books, and a lighted candle. Near the table is suspended a stand for a bird. Panel, 14 inches by n inches. In the Van Loon collection, Amsterdam, 1842 (Sm.) ; bought as a whole by the Rothschilds. 187. Still- Life. A large goblet full of wine, a herring cut open, a loaf, and other objects. Very carefully finished. Canvas, 15 inches by 13 inches. In the Reimer collection. Sale. Baron C. R. von Welczeck, Berlin, March 10, 1856, No. 130.