Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/534

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5 i8 EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER SECT. Presented by Alphonse Bray to Dunkirk. In the Dunkirk Museum, 1891 catalogue, No. 229. 170. TWO SMALL LANDSCAPES. Signed in full, and dated 1697 ; panel, 10 inches by 15^ inches. In the Uffizi, Florence, 1910 catalogue, pp. 173-174, No. 893. 171. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES. Panel, u inches by 13^ inches. In the collection of Earl Howe, Gopsall. 172. LANDSCAPE. On the right are buildings on a hill. A lady, followed by a groom and others on horseback, rides in front through the landscape. Wooded and hilly distance. [Pendant to 173.] Panel, 8 inches by loj inches. In the collection of F. X. P. Fabre, Montpellier, who presented it in 1825 to the Museum. In the Montpellier Museum, 1910 catalogue, No. 883. 173. LANDSCAPE. With a great river on which several vessels are passing. In front are horsemen and persons on foot ; with cattle and other animals. [Pendant to 172.] Panel, 8 inches by 1 1 inches. In the collection of F. X. P. Fabre, Montpellier, who presented it in 1825 to the Museum. In the Montpellier Museum, 1910 catalogue, No. 884. 174. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES. On the left a seated woman and a child hold out their aprons to catch the fruit which a boy throws down to them from a tree. To the right is a broad landscape. Canvas, 2oJ inches by 15^ inches. In the Valedau collection, Paris ; bequeathed in 1836 to Montpellier. In the Montpellier Museum, 1910 catalogue, No. 885. 175. A HILLY LANDSCAPE. Sm. 32. In the distance are seen several villages. In front is a herd of cattle. On the left a girl washes her feet. A good picture. " Every object is finished with incredible neatness " (Sm.). Panel, 28 inches by 22^ inches. In the collection of Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine (who died in 1716), Dtlsseldorf (Van Gool, ii. 559). In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 437 ; it was there in 1833 (Sm.). 176. LANDSCAPE WITH A WAGGON. In a landscape a two-horsed waggon in which sit a man and a woman goes to the right down a steep road leading down from a hill in the centre. A horseman with a dog halts to let a groom water his horse. Farther back to the left a woman laden with packages walks towards a castle seen in the distance. Canvas, 12^ inches by 16 inches. In the Louvre, Paris, 1872 catalogue, No. 356 ; not mentioned in the 1907 catalogue.