Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/535

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xxi EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER 519 177. A HILLY LANDSCAPE WITH WOMEN BATHING. Rocks overgrown with moss and trees fill the left half of the foreground. In front to the left are two women bathing ; they are up to their knees in the water, and one of them takes off her clothes. A little waterfall pours over the rocks. In the stream, which flows away on the right between rocks towards the middle distance, are two cows and two sheep. On the hilly right bank, in the middle distance, is a flock of sheep. In the distance a wooded hill stands out against the sunset horizon. At the foot of this hill is a herdsman with cattle. The figures are by Van der Neer and not, as the catalogue suggests, by A. van der Werff. Panel, 13^ inches by 10 inches. A replica was in the sale : Karl Tricpel, Munich, September 28, 1874, No. 14. Engraved by P. Chenu. In the collection of Count Brilhl. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 930. 178. LANDSCAPE. In a hilly landscape a little stream winds its way between steep rocky banks. A woman with a bundle on her back drives four cows and a goat through the water. In the immediate left foreground are two large trees. Farther back are two bridges over the stream, with bushes, trees, and a road on which, besides other figures, is seen a shepherd with his flock. There are hills on the horizon, illumined by the rays of the sunset. Completely in the style of Elsheimer. Signed in full on the left at foot ; panel, 9^ inches by 13 inches. Acquired in the reign of the Empress Catherine II. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 931. 179. LANDSCAPE WITH A SHEPHERD AND SHEP- HERDESS. The young shepherd embraces the girl, who is seated in front of a clump of tall trees. At the back is a flock of lambs and goats. To the right is a vista. Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1698 ; panel, 20 inches by 1 6 inches. Probably in the collection of Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine (who died in 1716), Dtisseldorf (see Van Gool, ii. 559). In the Mannheim Gallery. In the Schleissheim Gallery, 1905 catalogue, No. 847. 1 80. A HILLY AND WOODED LANDSCAPE. The ground falls towards the right. In the left foreground is a tall tree, with large wild plants and flowers growing at the foot. To the right is a pool with three ducks. Farther away to the left, at another piece of water, are two anglers. In the right distance are various groups of herdsmen and cattle. [Pendant to 181.] Signed in full in the centre, and dated 1700 ; panel, 28 inches by i inches. In the Palace, Schwerin, 1792 catalogue, p. 40, J. i. 19. In the Palace, Ludwigslust, 1821 catalogue, 92. In the Schwerin Museum, 1882 catalogue, No. 728.