Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/536

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520 EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER SECT. 181. A HILLY AND WOODED LANDSCAPE. The ground slopes down to the left. In the right foreground at the foot of great trees are wild plants and flowers ; to the left is the basin of a mountain torrent with a waterfall. Not far from this, but somewhat higher up, are a shepherd and shepherdess on a bank. Beyond them are three cows. In the middle distance an arched bridge leads over a stream. A flock of sheep are driven across the bridge. In the distance are lonely travellers, as well as a group of buildings in the Roman style. [Pendant to 1 80.] Signed in full in the centre, and dated 1700 ; panel, 28 inches by 2i inches. In the Palace, Schwerin, 1792 catalogue, p. 40, J. i. 18. In the Palace, Ludwigslust, 1821 catalogue, 94. In the Schwerin Museum, 1882 catalogue, No. 729. 181*7. Landscape with Figures. [Pendant to i8i.] Sales. Amsterdam, September 12, 1708 (Hoet, i. 129), No. 88 but No. 95 of the original catalogue (102 florins). Amsterdam, May 6, 1716 (Hoet, i. 195), No. 26 (95 florins). Willem Six, Amsterdam, May 12, 1734 (Hoet, i. 414), No. 61 (275 florins, with pendant). i8i. Landscape with Figures. Delicately finished. [Pendant to i8i<7.] Sales. Amsterdam, September 12, 1708 (Hoet, i. 129), No. 87 but No. 94 of the original catalogue (45 florins). Amsterdam, May 6, 1716 (Hoet, i. 195), No. 25 (90 florins). Willem Six, Amsterdam, May 12, 1734 (Hoet, i. 414), No. 61 (275 florins, with pendant). 1 8 ic. A Small Landscape with Figures. Sale. K. van der Meir, Antwerp, June 23, 1755 (Terw. 135), No. 17 (38 florins). 1 8 1*/. Landscape. ii inches by i6 inches. Sale. (Supplementary) Amsterdam, April 18, 1759, No - 2 5 (S florins, Diepenbrugge). 1 8 1*. A Small Landscape. With two mills and five figures. Panel, 9 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Antwerp, September I, 1767 (Terw. 640), No. 28 (43 florins). 1 8 if. A Rocky Landscape. With a shepherdess, a flock, and other ssones. Beyond the rocks is a landscape, varied with many figures and animals. Very vigorous and natural in style. Panel, 48^ inches by 52^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 13, 1770, No. 159 (15 florins). 182. A Wooded Landscape. Among the figures two girls are most prominent. One nurses a kitten ; the other plays with a squirrel. Very good and naturally rendered