Page:Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice - Parnell (1717).djvu/58

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BATTLE of the
65 Down sink the Mice in yielding Waters drown'd;
Loud flash the Waters; ecchoing Shores resound:
The Frogs triumphant tread the conquer'd Plain,
And raise their glorious Trophies of the slain.
He spake no more, his prudent Scheme imparts
70 Redoubling Ardour to the boldest Hearts.
Green was the Suit his arming Heroes chose,
Around their Legs the Greaves of Mallows close,
Green were the Beetes about theit Shoulders laid,
And green the Colewort, which the Target made.
75 Form'd of the vary'd Shells the Waters yield,
Their glossy Helmets glist'ned o'er the Field;
And tap'ring Sea-Reeds for the polish'd Spear,
With upright Order pierc'd the ambient Air.
Thus dress'd for War, they take th' appointed Height,
80 Poize the long Arms, and urge the promis'd Fight.
But now, where Jove's irradiate Spires arise,
With Stars surrounded in Æthereal Skies,
