Page:Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice - Parnell (1717).djvu/59

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Frogs and Mice.
(A Solemn Council call'd) the brazen Gates
Unbar; the Gods assume their golden Seats:
85 The Sire superiour leans, and points to show
What wond'rous Combats Mortals wage below:
How strong, how large, the num'rous Heroes stride;
What Length of Lance they shake with warlike Pride:
What eager Fire, their rapid March reveals;
90 So the fierce Centaurs ravag'd o'er the Dales;
And so confirm'd, the daring Titans rose,
Heap'd Hills on Hills, and bid the Gods be Foes.
This seen, the Pow'r his sacred Visage rears,
He casts a pitying Smile on worldly Cares,
95 And asks what heav'nly Guardians take the List,
Or who the Mice, or who the Frogs assist?
Then thus to Pallas. If my Daughter's Mind
Have join'd the Mice, why stays she still behind?
Drawn forth by sav'ry Steams they wind their Way,
100 And sure Attendance round thine Altar pay,
