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Temperature at typical stations in summer rain region | 27 |
Temperature„ at typical„ stations in„ uniform rain region | 35 |
Temperature„ at typical„ stations in„ winter rain region | 38 |
Temperature drought years, departure of monthly mean from normal | |
Adelaide | 43 |
Alice Springs | 44 |
Melbourne | 42 |
Temperature„ seasons and the march of— | 8 |
Temperatures, humidity and wet bulb | 22 |
Temperature„ mean monthly—and rainfall of the Australian Capitals | 11 |
Topography and its effect on climate | 24 |
Tornadoes | 87 |
Trade winds, South-east | 17 |
Tropical belt, effect of air flow from | 49 |
Tropical„ depressions | 48 |
Types of weather | 75 |
Weather types:— | |
Antarctic cyclone passing inland | 77 |
Antarctic„ cyclone passing„ through Bass Strait | 75 |
Antarctic„ depressions favorable to good inland rains | 75 |
Antarctic„ depressions„ unfavorable to good„ inland rains„ | 75 |
Anticyclone forced southwards over Tasmania | 79 |
Anticyclone„ Summer— | 75 |
Anticyclone„ Winter— | 75 |
Cold snap, South-eastern Australia | 79 |
Cyclonic depression bringing general rain to Western Australia | 76 |
Dust storms | 84 |
East coast cyclone of Antarctic origin | 82 |
East„ coast„ cyclone„ inland origin | 82 |
East„ coast„ cyclone„ tropical oceanic origin | 83 |
Fogs | 85 |
Gales, Easterly in Bass Strait | 79 |
Gales,„ Westerly in Bass„ Strait„ | 78 |
Hot spells in Southern Australia | 81 |
Inland winter rains of tropical origin | 77 |
Monsoonal rains, summer— | 76 |
Monsoonal„ trough | 84 |
Tornadoes | 87 |
Tropical cyclone, North Queensland | 83 |
Tropical„ rainstorm moving southward into South Australia | 77 |
Willy-willy affecting coastal districts | 78 |
Willy-„ willy„ moving inland | 78 |
Weather types, dry— | 45 |
Western Australia, flood rains in | 60 |
Western Australian Goldfields, direction of rain bearing winds | 53 |
Western„ Australian„ Goldfields,„ frequency of rain storms | 52 |
Western„ Australian„ Goldfields,„ pressure systems in relation to rainfall | 53 |
Western„ Australian„ Goldfields,„ rainfall in— | 52 |
Wilcannia, normal pressure and temperature | 35 |
Wilcannia, normal rainfall | 36 |
William Creek, normal rainfall | 32 |
William„ Creek,„ normal temperature | 31 |
Willy-willies (Western Australian hurricanes) | 61, 78 |
Winds, direction of rain-bearing—Western Australian Goldfields | 53 |
Winds,„ dominant— | 15 |
Winds,„ dominant—on Australian coast | 16 |
Winds,„ land and sea breezes | 18 |
Winds,„ South-east Trade— | 17 |
By Authority: Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer, Melbourne.