Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/104

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��VOL. I

��ci"a-rw6'ta' east beneath

cr'hi' SO'SO'B

beautiful bead

��h&ga navaricto'doG

that which is green

navarum.a'toc-kar 1 which is thy 1 seat,

��ha'bandor nagamida - 'diG nagamihi'komaG where from that comes health that it clouds up

nagamiwo'pgovi' ha'barrdor naB'iva"utaG that comes lightning where from that it hither- drizzles.

kua'mom6dor napum.a-'rgida* navaricto'do Then there from that will be formed 1 which is* green

o - 'hi hi'komo"k'6D go'gOT cr'hi beautiful cloud with great beautiful

hi'komsa' 'gio na* 'puwo'poga'ma.iwo' 'cnia cloud between. That advancing will start

na'puwa'tono'fdida va'viar* cr'hi

that will go beholding gray* beautiful

to'tvacwo't'a napumai'vanio'k-ida ba'viar skies beneath. That hence already will go speaking gray

ohi so'so'Btio'D amomo' navarda'k-am beautiful bead-man there that is sitter

navarva'viar to'vakwot'a" na'purnu'- that it is gray sky beneath that he

k-ao-am navarva'viar o - 'xi

is guardian which is gray beautiful

navarumva'p'a'moriG ha'ba'ndor nafl-- that are thy lakes. Thence that

6ixaduG 4 na'puivi'ngi ku'.a'm6m6"dor it hither 4 . . . that it ... Then there


na'puva'tonfi'idida that already will go beholding

��napuivo nrgia that will arise

��navargo go - r va paviar o xi

which are great gray beautiful

hi'kom.fir a'bim6 na'puvadu'via

cloud within. There that already arrives

1 Possibly auditory error for -am-, YOUR.

1 From here on, the references of the third person are doubtful. Most if not all of them probably refer to the journey of the Word, the prayer, the formula, through the heavens though some may have reference to the habitant spirits of the cardinal directions.

1 Yellowish-gray, the color of the north.

��na'puvam.a-'rgida go'gor hikomsa-'gio that will be formed great cloud within.

naB'ai'vatuda'giuna navaricda'dik'am

That thou already wilt cleanse which is health

navarumsa-'kumigo'koD ku.a'bim6"dor

which is thy tears with. Then there from

na'pumg6kipt6tugia navargS'go-r va'pavia-r that to both sides will look which are great gray

xi'komsa - 'gi'D na'pgamisa'ki'D-a

cloud within. That thou wilt weep,

naB-ai'vada'giuna avaricho'pitkam

that thou hither already wilt cleanse it is coldness

navarumu"umih6'k6D na'pgama.itwr'cturda that it is thy ceremonial arrows with. That thou from us wilt chase away

navaricko'kdakam ci'k'OT to'tvacwo'pta which is pestilence vicinity skies beneath

navaricxo-'p-itkam ka'va'r navarumwu'- which is coldness chimal which is

p-uivas ho"k6D aniho' napuvatono'- thy faces with. Hereabouts that already

idida aric'i'k'o'r na'va'rumto'tvagiwo'pta will go beholding is vicinity which is thy skies* beneath

��napuma-'r'gidida that will be formed

��navaricxo'pitkaM which is coldness

��ho"kia ma'mciM navarumxi'komago'koD how many apparitions which is thy cloud with.

na'puva'tonft'idida navarictu'k 5 o-'xi That already will go beholding which is black* beautiful

navarumto'tvagiwo'ta napumai'vatuda'-

which is thy skies beneath which hence

giunio'a na'varich&p'itkam navarumu"- already wilt cleanse which is coldness which are

umi h6'ko napumai'vani6k'ida

thy ceremonial arrows with. That hither already will go speaking

4 These two stems evidently carry an esoteric cere- monial significance which has been forgotten by the present natives. None of the authorities interrogated was able to give a translation of them. They probably refer to various phases of the rain.

1 The color of the west.

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