Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/68

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��VOL. I

��ne'get 2 emegwabi'yit 3

Once, when he (was) young, tabi-nojiptone'p'n 5 t'ma'wei used to get tobacco

��nu'd'wut. 1 is scarce.

k'mu'sums 4

your grand- father

m'ni"kuk. 6 loke"sin 7 nd-a'smelok. 8 ni'tte

on an island. Put (your in my lap." Then


ntulkwe'sm'n. 7 ni'tte ho'd'mun 9 nit-we'ji 10

he lays his head Then he begins after that, down. to smoke;

wi'kwipk'do'gihi'git. 11 (i'dam) naji'pton 12 he inhales (the smoke). (He says) "I will fetch

t'ma'wei. ni'tte atisossada'nin 13

the tobacco." Then began to cry

kwuskwe'sos. 14 ke"kw-se 14 mest'e'miyi'n. 15

the old woman. "Why do you cry?" (she says).

kada"ta 16 k'tabi-naji'ptowun 17 k't'ma'wei. "Not you cannot get it your tobacco.

l nud'wut IT is RARE; either an error for, or cognate

with, mud'wut SCARCE.

  • neget = nekwt ONCE; both pronunciations are in use

(note i, p. 58).

' emegwabi'yit WHEN HE WAS YOUNG. I cannot place

the root. The usual form is ewasi'swiyin WHEN I WAS

A CHILD (wasis).

  • k'mu'sums YOUR GRANDFATHER (mu'sums). This

word, when pronounced with a rising tone on the last

syllable, means DEAD GRANDFATHER; with a falling tone

= LIVING GRANDFATHER (cf. note 28, p. 59).

6 tabi-nojiptone'p'n USED TO GET. Here noji denotes purpose+P' OBTAIN +ep'n = past element; cf. naji'pton I WILL FETCH (see note 12).

'm'ni'kuk; m'ni'kw ISLAND +locative directive -uk. She says to the hero these words.

7 lake' 'sin: from lake's PUT DOWN; cf. ntu-l'kwe'smin


8 nd-a'smelok MY LAP, written by Louis Mitchel nd-a'snumelok.

9 hod'mun = how'tem'n HE SMOKES (from w'tem, note

24, P- 59)-

10 nit weji AFTER (weji) THAT (nit).

11 wi'kwipk'do'gihi'git HE INHALES seems to contain wi'kw svc.+p-k-d+(ih)-igit.

12 naji'pton I WILL FETCH (see note 5).

13 ausossada'nin SHE BEGINS TO CRY (from sa'sdemo IT CRIES; see note 17, p. 59).

14 kwuskwe'sos (see note 22, p. 59). ke"kw-se really = WHAT INDEED; WHY is properly ke'kw-we'ji.

15 meste"miyi'n: root tern (dem) CRY, with prefix mes, probably durative (notes II, 17, p. 59).

l "kada'ta nOT = kada (kat)+ta; NOT is usually ka'dama (s-kat in Maliseet).

��k'mach mud'we'yo. tanajia'ga tutha'ntowi'n It is very difficult. If you are very brave,

k'tabis-naji'ptowun t'ma'wei. you can get the tobacco."

Ni'tte oma'jehan osemi'z'l. meskw 18 Then he goes with his little Before


peji'a'ti"kw m'ni"kuk n'mi"ton 19 w'sk'ni'zul 20

he comes to the island, he sees bones;

weji muduamka"tek 21 ma'jehan. ma'lum-de from the beginning of he goes Then

the pile along.

nimi'al he'pili'jil 22 ali-labodyihi'ge. 23 ni'tte he sees a woman looking (through Then

a spy-glass).

ot'lian 21 p'giga'lstowuk 26 al-epnu'lstowuk 26 he goes up they wrestle; they struggle;

to her;

wi'nial." 27 huna'pcha 28 kezami'ko'twun. 29 she throws Again they get up (some-

himdown. how).

"k'tabis-naji'ptowun: cf. tabi-najiptone'p'n (notes), and note negative -owun.

"meskw followed by negative verb always = BEFORE; pejia'ti'kw = negative participle.

19 n 'mi 'ton inanimate, from nim (note 2, p. 59), as seen by -ton.

10 w'sk'ni'zul BONES; pi. of w'ski'nis.

n muduamka"tek AT THE PiLE+locative -ek.

he'pili'jil; obviative, with prefixed aspirate of e'pit WOMAN.

a ali-labodyihi'ge LOOKING; the words THROUGH A SPY-GLASS have been added by the narrator. The root is ab LOOK; cf. w't'l-a'b-mun HE LOOKS AT HIM.

u ot'li'an: from el GO, with prefixed o for w and infixed /.

" p'giga'lstowuk THEY WRESTLE; probably connected with mika'ka-, as in k'mika'kamen YOU FIGHT THEM; sigi-mika' ket HE FIGHTS FIERCELY.

26 al-epnu'lstowuk THEY CONTINUE FIGHTING ; pn FIGHT ; cf. kizi-p'n'lti'tit AFTER THEY FOUGHT; wichi-p'nu'sin HE FIGHTS WITH HIM (cf. notes it, p. 61 ; 25, p. 62).

87 wi'nial SHE THREW HIM DOWN. The stem seems to be simply n, with a possible prefixed p, as in w'pene- gua'khan HE THREW HIM DOWN.

28 huna'pcha: distraction of n-apch AGAIN with pre- fixed aspirate; cf. hepili'jil (note 22) and huha'chio for achi.

29 kezami'ko'twun: keza = kiz (past sign) -\-rni' kot, the same root as seen in wetta-mikte'kwhit HE WAKED UP (see note I, p. 61).

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