Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/69

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���'tte eli-w'nak't'kwe"tit 1 na'ga 2

Then then they (both) get up, and

1-mid'wi'at 3 kaka'go's. 4 kizi-pi'lwale'su 5 he flies away (as) a crow. He changes himself

ha'lo 6 k'chi 7 zips. 8 ni'tte noso'kwan. 9 ito (like) big a bird. Then he follows her.

talep'n'lti'nia. 11 ma'lum-de they fight. Then

ni'tte kizi-p'kiga'd'mun 13 he swoops up. Then he seizes

��is'wugi'skw 10 In the air

,'li-na'kasl"tit. 12

��t ma wei. It he tobacco.

��ni'tte majepto'wun. 14


��he brings it back.

t'ma'wei the tobacco,"

��w'ti'yan He says,


to the old



"You'd better go

your way;

��r io'k'mi yut ' My grand- here mother, is

,i(lege'k't'li'an 15

(She says)

<'dunlogo'kw. 16 he will be after you."

l eli-w'nak't'kwe"tit THEN THEY GET UP: w -f- na demonstrative + k't'kw, same root as above (note 29,


2 naga AND.

8 el-mid'wi'at SHE FLIES AWAY (from root t'wi FLY, as n kwuskwijit'wi'yan HE FLIES OVER).

4 kaka'go's CROW; probably onomatopoetic.

5 kizi-pi'lwale'su HE CHANGED (kizi = past) (from Dot pi'lw[i]); ki'zi-eso'ke-pilweso'ltu-wuk THEY CAN


6 taha'lo preposition LIKE.

7 k'chi BIG; indeclinable adjective.

'zips BIRD, with z after vowel ( = sips BIRD).

  • noso'kwan FOLLOW, for w' noso'kwan. The 3d per.

is frequently omitted.

a i>is'wugiskw AIR.

lfl talep'n'lti'nia: see above (note 26, p. 60), for p'n |FHT; tale THERE.

"eli-na'kasi'tit SWOOPS. The stem nak really = RISE,

w'na"kesit HE RISES UP; here the idea is of rising in he air, as the hero took the tobacco from the demon in flight.

3 kizi-p'kiga'd'mun HE SEIZED (kizi = past). This is i new stem to me.

14 maje'ptowun HE BRINGS IT BACK. Here -owun is lot negative; cf. w'ma'jephon HE BRINGS IT TO HIM.

li ndege'k't'li'an YOU HAD BETTER GO. The particle idege is recommending cohortative +&'/Vt'a, 2d per. rom el TO GO, or k'ma'jehan.

16 k'dunlogokw SHE WILL BE AFTER YOU. This is an nteresting form. The stem -og-, seen here, is possibly

��Amsk'wa's-de 17 petkaudi'nia 18 wigwa'm'k. 19 First they come to a wigwam.

w'ski'jin e'bit ne'he 20 i'dam 21 w'lt'-de 22 An is sitting "Ha, ha!" he "Please

Indian there; says,

k'sa'ha 23 nau'tek. 24 ni'tte w'skt'noskwusse"tese 25 come in to the Then the lad enters (quick- open ly) ; space."

i'dam tohate'b'n 26 I'dam ple'ta 27 mits. 28 ni'tte he "Let us play He "(First) eat." Then says, ball." says,

na sakhi'pton 29 sa'skich 30 p'su'npede 31 mime'i 32 he fetches a birch full of oil,


the -ok- seen in noso'k- FOLLOW (note 9). The com- bination is k =2d per. + infixed phonetic t + the to me unknown element un + connecting /. My narrator said THEY BE WILL AFTER YOU, but this would be properly k'dunlogo'kwuk.

17 amsk'wa's FIRST.

IS petkaudi'nia = kau, as in weswe-kaudi'nia THEY GO BACK-macke-kaudi'tit THEY HAVE STARTED OFF. "They" refers to the hero and his little brother, mentioned first below.

19 wigwam' k TO THE HOUSE, with locative 'k, also pronounced -ek, -uk.

K nehe; exclamation HA, HA!

11 i'dam indefinite from i SAY; cf. w't-tyal; cf. note 26,


K w'li-de PLEASE =w'li (wuli 1 ) GOOD + cohortative particle -de.

    • k'sa'ha imperative, COME IN; cf. kwussausa'n (note

21, p. 59)-

u nau'tek IN THE <ztt'/ = open space in the wigwam, where the fire is made; cf. Natick nut FIRE.

45 kwusse"tese; see above k'saha (note 23; and note 21, p. 59); kwussau'sa'n.

26 tohate'b'n LET us PLAY BALL; -e6'n=the imperative ist. per. pi. The stem tohat, or t-ohal, is new to me. This game is not la crosse; cf. naji-ep' skumhu' din LET us PLAY LA CROSSE; ubeskhitumhu'd'wuk THEY PLAY.

27 ple'ta may be a corruption of Fr. plait-il. It seems to be cohortative here.

28 mits EAT; with ts changing to j, as in mijwa'g'n FOOD (note 8, p. 62).

29 sakhi'pton FETCH: sakhi- quick motion -\-pt FETCH. M sa'skich LARGE BASKET, apparently of birch; thus

my narrator.

31 p'su'npe-de = pese'n-te IT is FULL; cf. p'su'npoek IT (inanimate) is FULL.

32 mime'i OIL.

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