Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/70

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��VOL. I

��ta pu'n'mon'l 1 elkwa'bit. 2 i'dam ne'he and he places it before him. He says, "Ha,


kudo"sum. 8 te"po 4 sikteTma 6 meskw drink!" Only he laughs: "Before

ng'dosme'tiwun 6 nit nil elegut 7 ni'l-ga- 8 I drink that, I like this (= I in-


wi'os-me'ji muze'i. 9 ni'tte

eat (meat) moosemeat." Then

na'jie'-beska'm'n 10 w'tu'm'ha 11 p'st'de- 12 he goes (to play he wins; every one


w'nu'tka-tu'm'ha. 13 w'ta-ma'jehan 14 we'ji he beats. He goes along to


p'sad'lgwi'ye. 15 ni'tte na peji-p'sa'n. 16 it snows. Then it begins to


I pu'n'mon'l HE PUTS IT + -/ (from pu'n'mon).

2 elkwa'bit IN FRONT OF HIM; cognate with el'gui

ALONG BY, AROUND (cf. note 7).

3 kudo"sum imperative DRINK; cf. n'g'da'u'sem I AM THIRSTY, and meskw ng'dosme'uwun BEFORE I DRINK (cf. note 6).

t te'po ONLY.

6 sikte'l'ma HE LAUGHS; cf. sikte'l'mit HE LAUGHING. 'meskw ng'dosme'uwun (see note 3)

7 e'legut = eli (continuative) + que (participial) + -t (cf. el'gui, note 2).

8 ni'l-ga wt'os-me'ji: ni'l-ga I INDEED +wi'os MEAT + me'ji EAT, derivative of mils (see note 28, p. 61).

'muze'i MOOSE-MEAT; note that -ei always denotes

the meat, as ko'wus cow (loan-word); kowuse'i BEEF.

10 na'jie'-beska'm'n; literally HE GOES AWAY FROM =


II w' turn' ha HE BEATS THEM; cf. w'nu'tka-tu'm'ha (note 13); cf. Natick tummuhho'uau HE EARNS; DE- SERVES (Natick Diet. 166).

"p'st'de EVERY ONE; usually m'st'de or m'si'u ALL.

"w'nu'tka-tu'm'ha HE BEATS THEM: nutka not clear, but may be nut'k pi. of nut, nit, used here in the sense THESE.

14 w'ta-ma'jehan HE GOES ALONG; ta = ALONG.

15 we'ji p'sad'lgwi'ye TO WHERE (weji) IT is SNOWING. Louis Mitchel gives k'san as SNOW; cf. Natick kun. The form p'san appears in peji -p'san IT is BEGINNING TO SNOW and in the noun p'san (note 26). I cannot explain the final elements of p'sad'lgwi'ye, except that -gwiye indicates a continuous present.

��s'la"ki-de maje-de'mo 16 osimi'z'l. w'skino"sis Then begins to cry his little The little lad brother.

ma'jehan wizgamgwe'sso 17

��goes along; it is a fierce storm;

��ti'ke'pode. 18 it rumbles away.

no'd'han w'skino"sis wi'kw'nan 1 ';

he hears it the little lad, it calling

ulgwunsi'z'l 20 masejika'men 21 eli'yat. 22 at his heels; it sweeps where

he goes.


ma'Ium-de ke'skw-de 23 heliya'tp'n 24 w'nimi'al Then while he was going he sees

him (his brother) i

etli-p'n'sili'jil 25 p'sa'nul. 26 ni'tte bejia't 27 fighting with the Then coming,


��holago'zin 28 he asks

�� ��p'san w'ti'yan p'sa'nul

the he says to the

snow; to it snow,

k'ma'jehan wajeyawi'yun 29 na'ga to'jiu 30 "You go where you and then

back to came from,"

>e maje-demo BEGINS (maje = mache) TO CRY + demo (see notes n. 17, p. 59; 15, p. 60).

17 wizgamgwe'sso IT STORMS FURIOUSLY: wizg- VERY MUCH+om-s STORM; cf. etut-l-a'm-s-ek IT BLOWS.

"ti'ke'pode IT RUMBLES AWAY; ti'ke'pudek IT DIES


"wi'kw'han (HOW) IT CALLS (not RUMBLES, as the narrator had it).

20 ulgwunsi'z'l: from mu'(l)kwun HEEL = AT HIS


11 masejika'men IT SWEEPS.

eli'yat WHERE HE GOES (el); cf. heliya'tp'n, with aspirate (note 24). 23 keskw-de WHILE.

21 heliya'tp'n; cf. note 22.

25 etli-p'n'sili'jil WHILE HE is FIGHTING (p'n) (see notes 26, p. 60; n, p. 61).

M p'sa'nul SNOW, with obviative -ul (see note 15).

27 pejia't HE is COMING (from peji APPROACH).

28 holago'zin HE ASKS; the usual form is w't-ekwe'chi- mo'ldn.

29 wajeyawi'yun participle in 2d per. WHERE YOU COME FROM; a distracted form of weji FROM, verbalized: cf. etli-wechiwe"tit WHERE THEY GO.

30 to'jiu THEN.

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