Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/78

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��VOL. I

��Tern Is xa'mEt-s-qamH's tem-axa wllx. 1 tern yasau'yai'nx xa'mELi. "xa-telo'- qudlxwal'm is tsudal's kwe'k's-auk-." tern yasau'yal'nx ts-qti'mk-. "xa-ts!Ila'a 5 kus tqauli'ts!. k-in spai'dl sin puu'ya 8 , sins 2 ayai'mi ko'kus." temu n 'hu mis pk-Iai'nx kus tqauli'ts!, 3 tern mu n 'HI hl'tslEm pi'usxal. la a kus aili'k'I yu'xtEx kus Iku'husal Itsa'nt. "namk- sins

10 'Liya'-axa wil ha'afqa, k-xau'k-s 4 tlxa'yflts 'k-xa'm hai nt , 'mu n 'hu tsqwa qal'k-ai'." tern yasau'yai'nx ts-qti'mk-. "k'in

hak-i'm ma'ntitxu. k-ist ! Llya' namk- ya'tsELl, k'ist 'Liya 1 namk- sa'lsxalm.

15 tsa'mE hi'k-e haihaya't ts-k-eH'sk-." temu n 'hu ayal'. temu n 'hu mis ayal' ats-sa'ak-, tem pl'usxa*yal' ats-temxtsi'sk- 6 ts-Ili'diyuk-. "'Laniya* tqaia'ldEx sxas ayai'm k'i'mhak-s. 'Liya', sin mukwa'-

2O StELl."

��Temau'x mu n 'hu qal'k-a!'. temu n 'hu k-i'mhak-s Lqwa'miLx ats-sa'ak-. "tsa'tl SEX tas wllx. k-ist qark-al'm nl'sk-ik-s." te'mlta 'Liya* qa a 'tsE tem LEai'sx ats-

25 si'tEk- awi'lau. temu n 'hu yasau'yai'nx ats-sa'ak-. "auH'xa. k--Llya* qa a 'tsE k'ist Lqwa'mits." temu n 'hu mEya'saux ats- sa'ak-. "k-ist 'Ltya e le'wi'yaisi qal'k-- ai'm, k-ist k'ilu'waisi qal'k-ai'm." temau'x

30 mu n 'hu k-e'a imsti'; k'ilu'wasyaux qal'k-ai'. tem mEya'saux ats-sa'ak-. "k'ist k'i'- mhak-s k-a wil, tem mis qalpai'm qwa'mstoxs halts, k'i'stauk-s 6 ku'k u s ayai'm." te'mlta 'Liya' qa a 'tsE tem

35 llxusal' tem xudui' yal'x-auk- Is hai" 8 . te'mlta 'Liya 8 qa a 'tsE tem LEai'sx mukwi'- sta. tem-axa hak-i'm qalpal' xe'tsux".

��1 In the mean while Coyote seems to have succeeded in persuading these women to become his wives.

2 Consists of sis conditional particle; -n 1st per. sing.

This pitch was to answer in her stead, in case her husband called for her.

��Then one night he came back. Then he said to one (of them), "Thou shalt fetch the salmon at the canoe." So (the older woman) said to her younger sister, "Thou shalt split this pitch- wood. I am going to take my bucket along when I go to the river." So, after she stood up that pitch-wood, it produced sounds just like a human being. Now, the one who went down to the river to fetch water had already disappeared. (But before she left, she told her younger sister,) "Should I not come back right away, thou shalt think in thy inner mind, 'Now she must have escaped.' ' Then she (also) told her younger sister, "I shall wait for thee there. We two shall never live with him, we two shall never survive. Modo valde longus penis eius est." Then she went (away). And after her older sister went (away), her husband kept on shouting his (following) message: "I do not want that thou shouldst go there. (Do) not (act so), my wife!"

So they two escaped. And now she over- took her older sister there. "(I) am glad that thou hast come. We two are going to run away far." But not long (afterwards) she saw her husband coming. Then she said to her older sister, "He is coming nearer. It will not be long before he will overtake us two." So then her older sister kept on saying, "We two shall not escape on land, we two shall travel on the water." Thereupon they two did so, they two began to travel on water. Then her older sister said, "We two shall stop there for a while; and if (we two) are overtaken here again, we two will go into the middle of the ocean." Then not long (afterwards) it began to rain and blow exceedingly hard. And not long (afterwards) she saw him (come) in a canoe. So (they two) departed from there

��4 k'is (temporal particle) + -x (zd per. sing.) + -auk' (suffixed particle) INSIDE.

5 te'maxt BROTHER-IN-LAW.

6 k'is (temporal particle) + -st (inclusive dual) + -auk- (suffixed particle) INSIDE.

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