Page:In Other Words (1912).djvu/44

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Thoughts on Matters and Things

Horace: Book II, Ode 16.
Otium divos rogat impotenti
Pressus Ægæo—”

Grosphus, a guy who’s sailing in a tempest
On the Aegean when the moon is hidden—
He wants a rest, while stewing in his stateroom,
  Weary and seasick.

Weary of war, what do the Thracians yearn for?
What seek the Medes, with quivers full of arrows?
What can’t you buy with purple, gold or rubies?
  Rest is the answer.

Not Morgan’s cash, nor Rockefeller’s money,
No blue-and-brass can drive away the willies
Caused by the care of elegant apartments,
  Rugs and swell ceilings.