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Index:In Other Words (1912).djvu

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Title In Other Words (1912)
Author Franklin P. Adams
Year 1912
Publisher Doubleday, Page & Company
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Craving Your Attention vi
From the Rome Herald, Nov. 29, 71 A. D. 1
T. R. to W. H. T. 3
The Costofliving 5
It’s Really Disheartening 7
More Advice 9
A Bid to a House-Party 11
What Cut into Horace’s Work 13
Horace on Contentment 14
“Simplicity” 16
Getting Lydia’s Number 17
Spring Pome 19
A Sealed Proposal 21
Cheer Up, Postumus 22
The Good Old Socialistic Days 24
A Plea for the Present 25
Indorsing Xanthias’s Choice 26
Horace to Maecenas 27
“Good-by, My Lover, Good-by!” 29
Thoughts on Matters and Things 30
On an Upright Life 33
The Stinging of V. Catullus, Esq. 35
V. Catullus Said in Part 36
The Mathematics of Catullus 37
Catullus to His Knockers 38
Handing It to Cynthia 39
The Beefing of S. Propertius, Esq. 41
Indorsing a w. k. Emotion 43
Propertius Confesses 44
Roman Innuendo 45
To Julia, on June 21 46
Martial’s Bit of a Joke 47
A Ballade of Known and Unknown Matters 48
The Translated Way 50
The Height of Disagreeableness 53
As to Eyes 54
The Truth About the Spratts 55
Campaign Thoughts 57
Everybody’s Overdoing It 59
Baseball’s Sad Lexicon 62
To Myrtilla, on Opening Day 63
A Ballplayer’s Day 64
Ever See Her? 65
A Ballad of Baseball Burdens 66
John Jones, Clerk 68
One More 69
“And the Only Tune That He Could Play” 70
Thorns, Rifts, Clouds, Flaws, Blemishes, Etc. 71
“May Recover” 73
As John Howard Payne Said 74
For the Other 364 Days 75
Us Potes 76
Footlight Motifs 77
Revised 82
The Lost Wheeze 83
From an Awningless Sanctum 85
“On Christmas Day in the Morning” 86
From a Paragrapher’s Garden of Verses 87
Gilbert 88
Lines to Margaret, a Singing and Whistling Cook 89
A Pathetic Bit of a Ballad 90
Song of the Costofliving 91
The Old Man’s Discomforts 92
The Fool 94
To the Wind: After Gilbert’s “To the Terrestrial Globe” 95
To a Lady Complaining of Solitude 96
The Pandean Is No Pipe 97
“The Poems of Eugene Field” 98
Success 101
Managerial Tradition 103
“Christmas Comes but Once a Year” 104
After Samuel Rogers 114
The Diplomaniacs 116
Rondel 117
To the Waltonian Bards 118
Triolettuce Salad 119
The Easy Giggle 121
The Ballade of the Northern Girl 123
Lines on the Sabbath 125
“The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers” 127
The Exile of Erin 129
Of Course You Would 131
True Comfort 133
To Gelett Burgess 134
Bacchanalian Songs 135
On a Certain Propensity of Bootblacks to Toy with the Shoelaces of the Shinee 136
Christmas Cards 137
Thanking One and All 141
Lines in Appreciation of a Lady’s Art 143
For Cummuters Only 144
Inept Quotation’s Artificial Aid 145
Some Speeches 148
No Trouble to Show Goods 150