Page:In Other Words (1912).djvu/71

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Campaign Thoughts
This is a presidential year.
(An unassailable reflection.)
“Things will be better,” so we hear,
“After election.”

Now comes the questing of the Vote,
The Call to Arms, the Appeal to Reason,
The Keynote Speech, the Clarion Note—
This is the season

When everywhere and roundabout,
From coast to coast, and vicy-versy,
The candidates will speak and spout,
Sans fear or mercy;

When from the Peerless Pines of Maine
To California’s Pebbly Beaches,
We are enthralled by the campaign,
And many speeches.

Perhaps I ought to add “enthralled,”
(Cf. line 3, above tetrastich)
As Mr. Ward once might have drawled
Was wrote sarkastick.