Page:In Other Words (1912).djvu/74

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In Other Words

And when some one begins to demand violins,
Or “That Sinewy So-and-So Strain,”
I want to get out, and, departing, to shout
The following earnest refrain:


Cut out asking for that ragtime song
As played by that melodious coon!
Cease to bellow for that syncopated ’cello!
Quit teasing for that tremulous tune!
Stop that yearning for that raggedy rag!
Stop asking for that glidey guff!
Cut out this thing of begging folks to sing,
And cut out the “Please-Play” stuff!

I’ve heard them demand a harmonica band;
I’ve heard people crave a cornet;
And even “Play some on that old kettledrum!”
Or “Fillip that flageolet!’’
I’ve heard singers long for that “Love’s Old Sweet Song,”
And yell for “That Old Time Quadrille”;
I’ve heard ’em insist on Puccini and Liszt,
And yearn for that Trovatore trill;
They ask for Bellini, Balfe, Wagner, Rossini,
The while, in unscrupulous zeal.
The people who “write” a new song in a night
Grow rich on the tunes that they steal.