Page:Incidents and Offenses.pdf/5

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  • 53 offenses were reported as anti-physical disability.

Gender bias (See Table 1.)

There were 80 offenses of gender bias reported in 2019. Of these:

  • 62 were anti-female.
  • 18 were anti-male.

By offense types (Based on Table 2.)

Of the 8,559 reported hate crime offenses in 2019:

  • 25.8 percent were intimidation.
  • 25.1 percent were destruction/damage/vandalism.
  • 23.6 percent were simple assault.
  • 13.5 percent were aggravated assault.
  • The remaining offenses included additional crimes against persons, property, and society.

Offenses by crime category (Based on Table 2.)

Among the 8,559 hate crime offenses reported:

  • 64.4 percent were crimes against persons.
  • 32.8 percent were crimes against property.
  • The remaining offenses were crimes against society. (See Data Collection in Methodology.)

Crimes against persons (Based on Table 2.)

Law enforcement reported 5,512 hate crime offenses as crimes against persons. By offense type:

Hate Crime Statistics, 2019
U.S. Department of Justice—Federal Bureau of Investigation
Released Fall 2020