Page:Incidents and Offenses.pdf/6

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  • 40.0 percent were intimidation.
  • 36.7 percent were simple assault.
  • 21.0 percent were aggravated assault.
  • 1.5 percent consisted of 51 murders and 30 rapes. (See Methodology for more details about changes in the definition of rape in the UCR Program.)
  • 0.7 percent involved the offense category other, which is collected only in NIBRS.

Crimes against property (Based on Table 2.)

  • Most of the 2,811 hate crime offenses that were crimes against property (76.6 percent) were acts of destruction/damage/vandalism.
  • The remaining 23.4 percent of crimes against property consisted of robbery, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and other crimes.

Crimes against society (See Table 2.)

There were 236 offenses defined as crimes against society (e.g., drug or narcotic offenses or prostitution).

By victim type (Based on Table 6.)

When considering the 8,559 hate crime offenses and their targeted victims:

  • 78.6 percent were directed at individuals.
  • 5.9 percent were against businesses or financial institutions.
  • 3.1 percent were against government entities.
  • 2.8 percent were against society/public.
  • 2.5 percent were against religious organizations.
  • The remaining 7.1 percent were directed at other/unknown/multiple victim types.
Hate Crime Statistics, 2019
U.S. Department of Justice—Federal Bureau of Investigation
Released Fall 2020