Page:Indago astrologica- or a brief and modest enquiry into some principal points of astrology (IA b30333519).pdf/18

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Indago Aſtrologica.

Sect. 12.

Fourthly, for ♀ and ☿ the two Inferiors, their ſeeming ☌☉ in the middle of their direction will be found to be a real ☍🌑︎ and their ☌☉ in the middle of their Retrogradation a real ☌🌑︎, yet without any difference in the time.

Sect. 13.

More then this, they will be found to have a ⚹□ and △ to the Earth, even as the three Superiors have, beſides a □△ and ☍ each to other, all which Aſpects our Ephemerides would make them incapable of. Many other particular deductions and differences I might name; which becauſe theſe will light you to the corner where they are, and I have circumſcribed my ſelf into a narrow room, I ſhall omit. So that hence it will plainly appear in all reaſon, That

Sect. 14.

This which we here propound to be calculated and collected, although hitherto it hath not (I may ſay through negligence) been put in practice, is the onely true doctrine of Aſpects, and the onely ſound foundation of Aſtrology.

Sect. 15.

I am the more inclined to believe this, that ſo much reaſon doth already dictate and confirm, when I conſider the weakneſs and ſhifts of the old Aſtrology.

Sect. 16.

Weakneſs, in that all the Predictions (or at leaſt 99 in a hundred) of the old Aſtrology, which notwithſtand-
