Page:Indago astrologica- or a brief and modest enquiry into some principal points of astrology (IA b30333519).pdf/19

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Indago Aſtrologica.

ing is ſo cryed up in this Age, deduced from the Ptolemaick Aſpects, are ſo conſciouſly doubtful, ſo obſcurely delivered, and many of them ſo fallible, that it hath notoriouſly proved the ſcandal of Aſtrology, and poſſeſt the grave and ſober breaſts of the world with a conceit, That Aſtrology is but a higher degree of Lieger de main, and Aſtrologers but liberal Juglers. Nay ſo pur-blinde it is (I mean the old Aſtrology) that in the very matter of the weather it ſelf, it is fain to confeſs it ſelf unable to do any more then give a probable conjecture of it; and not without good cauſe, ſince it is oftentimes far enough from doing that too.

Sect. 17.

Shifts; in that, when it hath found the weather fall out different or contrary to the promiſes or threats of their Aſpects (which is no wonder, for many times there is above a Moneths difference between the apparent and true Aſpects; as for example, the
