Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/51

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Anthropology and Philology— PAGES
Anthropology 43–45
Philology 46
Botany 46–54
Chemistry 54–56
Geology 56–64
Physics 64–66
Mammalia 66–67
Aves 67–70
Reptilia 70–71
Amphibia 71
Pisces 71–72
Tunicata 72
Cephalochorda 72
Hemichorda 73
Mollusca 73–74
Insecta 74–78
Myriapoda 78
Onychophora 78
Arachnida 78–79
Crustacea 79–80
Annulata 80
Echinodermata 80
Molluscoida 81
Rotifera 81
Platyhelminthes 81
Cœlenterata 81
Porifera 81
Protozoa 81
Miscellaneous 82
Addresses 82–83
Economics 83
Education 83
Engineering, Mechanics, and Scientific Appliances 83–85
Exploration and General Geography 85
Geometry, Mathematics, Surveying 85–86
History 86
Literature and Music 86
Medicine and Sanitation 87
Metaphysics 87
Obituary 88
Statistics 88
Trade and Industry 88



Boomerang, Origin of the (W. D. Campbell), 15, 459.
Chatham Islands (see Morioris, p. 45).
Civilisation of the Pacific (C. Phillips), 9, 59.
Congenital Stigmata (E. Tregear), 31, 623.
Existence of Man in N.Z. at or before the Volcanic Era, Discovery of Cut Stump of Tree giving Evidence of (J. Goodall), 7, 144.
Family Marks (J. Rutland), 40, 563.
Fiji Fire Ceremony, Account of the (T. M. Hocken), 31, 667.
Fiji Fire-walking Ceremony with a Probable Explanation of the Mystery (R. Fulton), 35, 187.
Food Plants now used by Civilised Man as compared with those used in Prehistoric Times (W. T. L. Travers), 18, 30.
Greenstone, Modern History of a Block of (W. Colenso), 27, 598.
Hawaii-nei and the Hawaiians (F. B. Hutchinson), 15, 467.
Life in the South Seas: Fairy Tales and Folklore (F. W. Christian), 30, 93.
Ancestry (J. C. Crawford), 20, 414.
Ancient Aboriginal Câches near Wanganui (H. C. Field), 9, 220.
Ancient Maoris, Memorabilia of Works, Deeds, and Sayings of the (W. Colenso), 24, 445.
Ancient Native Burial-place, near Moa-bone Point, Sumner (J. von Haast), 7, 86.
Are they Old Kumara-pits? (T. White), 32, 396.
Arrow-propulsion by Maoris, Peculiar Method of (C. Philllps), 10, 97.
Art of the Whare Poa: Notes on the Clothing of the Ancient Maori (E. Best), 31, 625.
Aryo-Semitic Maori (A. S. Atkinson), 19, 552.
Aryo-Semitic Maori: Reply to A. S. Atkinson (E. Tregear), 20, 400.
Bone Comb for ornamenting the Head of a Maori Chief, found in Otago (A. Hamilton), 25, 483.
Bone Lizard Pendant (A. Hamilton), 35, 111.
Bone Pendants found in South Island of N.Z. (A. Hamilton), 25, 489.
Building of Hotunui, Whare Whakairo, W. H. Taipari's Carved House at Thames. 1878 (Mereana Mokomoko), 30, 41.
Burial-chests, Carved, in Auckland Museum, Notes on (T. F. Cheeseman), 39, 451.
Calabashes, Two, with Carved Wooden Necks called Tuki or Ko-ano-ano (A. K. Newman), 36, 1, 527.
Cannibalism, Some Relics of (H. D. M. Haszard), 22, 104.
Canoe, Maori (R. C. Barstow), 11, 71.
Canoe that brought the Maoris to N.Z. (K. Watkins), 40, 568.